Do you feel guilty about letting your hair out?

I feel guilty if I don't wear it out. But that's because I feel like everyone should be given the opportunity to marvel over how beautiful and healthy my hair is. I want them to ooohh and awww over how thick and shiny it is.

And no I'm not joking. :look:

I love this. I think everyone should see my hair, too. :) Esp where I am now, I can see without exaggeration (unfortunately?) that I have about the healthiest longest hair around (of black people). I think people of all colors should see my hair. So they know what our hair can be. :grin:
I feel that way cause for years I had my hair out and it never made it past shoulder. I did all sorts of umholy things to my hair in the name of enjoying it. I went into hair rehab. Finally I just made it to a healthy Apl and Im conscious about losing all the progress. Maybe once I'm a little longer I will be able to enjoy it more like some of you ladies. Until then my hair is staying in a protective style and no heat.

This is exactly how I feel and I can TOTALLY relate to everything you've said.
Having just reached APL (after always being SL), I am nervous about losing progress, but once my hair grows a fair amount more (like BSL), I think I will relax... I better!
Enjoy it girl...just put it away when u get home.

I only wear out like 3-4 days cause after that it feels and looks a little weighed down and i hate that
I don't feel so much guilty as I do paranoid, thinking everything is going to damage my hair, especially since--even though I'm natural--my hair in the back does hang a bit because of the looser texture and rubs on my shirts. I swear I kept checking for damage the ONE DAY I wore my hair loose a couple of weeks ago.