Do You Know Anyone That Had Long And Healthy Relaxed Hair Pre-2000s?


Well-Known Member
I had WL hair as a relaxed head, my mother had TBL hair with a relaxer. I only got a touch-up 2x a year. Definitely did not know the value of deep conditioning back then, so I think it was a mix of genetics, low maintenance and stretching. Although I didn't know I was stretching at the time. I maintainted thick hair the entire time I was relaxed.

My hair was least healthiest as an uninformed straight haired natural that frequented Dominican salons. The extreme heat and multiple heat process at the Dominican salon is what set my hair back.


Well-Known Member
I had "Black girl long" relaxed hair, longer than apl but not bsl. I went to the salon every 6-8 weeks with my mom and was low-maintenance between visits. Wrapped it at night, buns, ponytails, and braids during basketball and volleyball season.


Well-Known Member
My aunt had hair between BSL and MBL. She was from Martinique.
I had hair between APL and BSL.