Dry Dry Dry Hair. Help!

The baking soda could be the problem. You should chelate, not clarify, and let it sit on your hair for about 5-10 minutes. This is going to clean in the inside and outside of your hair. Only use a gentle chelator. Of course, I always brag and boast about redken cleansing cream but there are other good ones out there I guess.

Although some people have success with mixing things, I never have had success and never even attempt to do it again. You never know how the ingredients in one product may affect those in another.

Also, DC with a moisturizing deep conditioner. My hair did not do well with cheapie conditioners unfortunately. Yes, the hair feel super moisturized while wet but the test is how it feels when it's dry and you state that it feels dry. So ditch that.

Your hair strands may be very fine so you should try to use products specifically for that. Also, your hair may not agree with oils. There was one website that had some really good info on omitting oils from your routine but it was years and years ago that I saw it. If I can find it I will add it to my post.

If you are using a no-lye relaxer, that could be the culprit as well. However, chelating at least once a week and using a moisturizing conditioner while alternating protein.

Also, hair that is truely moisturized feels moisturized when it is dry.

With all of the advice the ladies have provided, I am sure you will find a solution. :yep:
Drop the oil. It doesn't always work for everyone. However, you can start mixing oils into your deep conditioner, but I really wouldn't recommend that until your hair health gets better. I would seriously recommend M.O.P. Extreme Moisture conditioner or Bumble And Bumble Coco De Creme Masque. I REALLY don't think you can get more moisture with anything else.
I have dry hair like the Sahara. I think for me what overcame the problem was moisturising and sealing hair on six to eight braids every night. I have accepted that my hair is too dry not to sleep with it in braids and the product set.

Almond Eyes
I hope this helps...

I 've noticed that I have extremely dry hair as well, and the key to keeping it moisturized, is sealing the hair after its wet..

Someone on the forum, I think its sistaslick, talked about moisturizing, and the thing that really keeps your hair moisturized is water..

Adding oil to dry hair keeps the moisture from coming back in, because you are sealing dry hair..

May I suggest that whatever conditioning/ co-washing/ dc ing regime that you choose, you should seal it with a lipid( oil ) based product when it is still wet, and you have already conditioned, and added your leave in conditioner. You can't beat plain ole shea butter.. It doesn't have to be cantu, just straight up from the earth.. Dont use a lot, because the moisture properties of unrefined shea butter is serious.. ( Just make sure its fully melted- you can do this by rubbing some in your hands and making sure it is melted).. If your hair is dry after following that, please let me know..

HTH :rolleyes:
Thanks Ladies! I tried something different the other day and it seems to help. After doing my Ayuverdic co wash, I used Worlds of Curls moisturizer then I sealed with Amla oil and Cantu leave in. So far, so good!:yep: