Fall/Winter Reggies

I like the idea of incorporating a heavy moisturizer into my regi. Unfortunately I will stop wash and go's and will air dry less. I will probably limit my washes/cowashes to once a week, I just had more colds in the beginning (colder months) of this year than usual when I washed every few days. I may have to tweak this though. My hair sheds more when I don't wash it as much as it wants.

I still have my trusty stretchy spandex cap for wear under hats and will protective style as usual.
Fall doesn't start until Sept 22nd so actually Summer's not over.

In the Northern Hemisphere Meteorological Autumn started on Sept 1. Professional meteorologists have been using this designation since 1780 (Wikipedia).

I plan to start using oil on my scalp again. I have dry scalp issues in the winter so I'll start using either WGO, BT, or Bee Mine again. I may also start doing more EVOO overnight prepoos. And I foresee many more buns in my future.
This is very helpful ladies!! Keep posting please because I didn't think of having a winter regimen.

Currently this is my regimen in less detail.

Shea Butter
Mango Oil
Coconut Oil
(olive oil creme)

let it stay for a couple of hours..rinse well and flat iron.

shampoo once a month to every 6 weeks.

Any suggestions on my winter regimen??

I am currently doing my first stretch and I am 10 weeks post relaxer :rolleyes:
I'm transitioning and my reggie won't change much. I've already been on top of pre-poo/oil treatments, daily moisturizing and sealing. The one seasonal change I will make is Bring out my HUMIDIFIER! That dry heat can make my hair CRUNCHY!
More Hot Oil Treatments
Poo/DC 2x week
More head massages
Ponytail roller at night
More pinup dos
Once the cooler weather approaches I'll probably stop co-washing and just go back to washing and DC on the wknds...my products will stay the same though...
mmm I think I will change my co washes to evenings after class rather that in the morning then wear my silk scarf around the house because of the radiators. I will still DC once a week or more if needed; I might add a HOT if its really freezing. I seal with a mix of sheabutter and coconut oil with the ratio tipping heavily on coconut oil. I may increase the shea for the winter.I dont know how I will live without wetting my hair in the morning though LOL
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Not much will change except I'll stop prepooing with coconut oil (I usually prepoo overnight with it, go to the gym and then cowash out after my workout). I'll only add it to my DC's from now on. I don't think I'll change anything else... time will tell.

Why will you stop prepooing with coconut oil...?
There's nothing much to change at all... I might go back to washing once a wk instead of twice of wk and that's only to cut down on drying time. Other than that, i'm good :yep:. My products will remain the same.
Not much will change except I'll stop prepooing with coconut oil (I usually prepoo overnight with it, go to the gym and then cowash out after my workout). I'll only add it to my DC's from now on. I don't think I'll change anything else... time will tell.

I've been seeing alot of people saying they'll stop using coconut oil so much during the winter. Why?
I've been seeing alot of people saying they'll stop using coconut oil so much during the winter. Why?

You know how it solidifies when it gets cold? Some people are interpreting that as making their hair hard. I for one am going to continue using my coconut oil.
You know how it solidifies when it gets cold? Some people are interpreting that as making their hair hard. I for one am going to continue using my coconut oil.

Oh, that isn't going to stop me from using it either. The heat from your scalp should be "hot" enough for it not to solidify. In that case, I guess they won't be using any butters either. Thanks for explaining.... off to go purchase another jar of coconut oil :drunk:
Actually, your hair instantly returns to it's Natural State of "Softness" Once you are Inside & Out of the Elements.:yep:

It's Fine. Unless you spend an inordinate amount of time outside in the cold.:look:
I am going to wear my new wig (siggy) on chilly days. This is my first full cap wig, so that should be fun.

We don't really have winter here, so not much else will change.
No more wash and gos
Cowash is down to 2 days instead of everyday
oil scalp and length
Do my own roller sets
DC every cowash and wash day
I have switched to my Fall/Winter regimen since for me Fall starts after Labor Day and when schoo starts :look: no more co-washing or wash n gos.

I will Deep Condition twice a week and roller set and seal with Jamaican Black Castor Oil since its a little thicker. Coconut oil is a good sealer also but hair does get stiff in the cold and returns to soft once inside.:yep:
I will continue to do what I been doing which is bun/baggie buns 24/7 and only wearing braid-outs or straight hair once in a while which is about every 6 to 8 weeks.
Hmmm, I really didn't think about a winter regimen. Alabama has rather mild winters so I don't think much will change for me. If anything, maybe I'll start sealing with an oil other than coconut oil.
To be honest I'm not sure how my reggie will change but it will. I want to cut down on manipulation but still do what is best for my hair. I'm still thinking.
Back to using heat every week. I actually blow dried and flat ironed my hair the other day and it turned out alright. I won't be doing THAT every week, but definitely roller setting and blow drying roots...
large cornrows + ovation + cold press evoo + coconut oil + neut. triple moisture silk touch leave-in cream = WIGS !!!!!!!!!!!
I'm switching ayurvedic products this fall/winter. I have been striving to switch to an organic/natural lifestyle the past year. I started with the food and now I'm moving on to the hair care products.
I plan to keep my hair in protective styles like twists, diff variations of braids (except micros- they are nothing good for my hair), cornrows under wigs; won't be wearing it out n free too much. That's about it. My regimen won't change really. I usually seal with heavier oil like castor oil and/or my shea frosting if I feel my hair isn't retaining as much moisture as usual.
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Thanks for the responses, ladies. I was thinking of adding half wigs in to my reggie but I've never tried them before. Any shopping tips?
You mean now I have to have a Fall/Winter regi? I've barely figured out the one I have now! Sigh....Back to the drawing board I guess.