For those interested in texturized hair....

Thx Nonie!--actually my sister's name is Nonie too!

Anyway, everyone on this board I consider a friend. If any of you are ever in Indianapolis or Atlanta 3 months from now (I'm moving)--give me a holla. We can have a LHCF night out on the town!
Very nice pics Model Chick!! I think I've found my inspiration!! I have been wanting to transition for awhile now, however I was too scared to go all natural but you've given me another alternative! Woohoo!!

I am too excited!! Your hair is gorgeous and so are you!! How often do you use heat on your hair or maybe I should ask how often do you wear it straight? Do you trims your ends yourself and if so, how often do you trim? I have the same hair type (4A and extremely thick) and can't do anything with it but relax it and wear it in a shoulder length bob. I would love some versatility in my hair life!
Thanks for sharing!!
Hey carmel_essence--glad that I can be an inspiration to someone. Believe me, I know how important it is to have a tangible picture of what you want to keep you going..

Okay, to answer your questions--I hardly ever use heat on my hair. Well, I guess hardly ever is kind of extreme...when I'm wearing my real hair--it's usually rollerset of which I'll do once a week. I have to sit under the dryer for an hour for my hair to completely dry. After that, there is no other heat that I use until the next rollerset. When I'm wearing a sew-in, I do have to straighten/press my real hair that is covering the tracts with a curling iron. I don't usually have to touch a curling iron to it after that, except when I wash which is once ever one-half to two-weeks. I haven't really been wearing my hair airdried with the texturized look because actually it was just 2 weeks ago that I didn't immediately rollerset after washing and just let it this is really a new styling option for me which I plan to use more often...
I know I'm a bit late to view these pictures; but they are sooooooooooooooooo cute and you are too. Your hair is Fab-u-lus! Keep on workin it. I'm sure you are too cute in your new car as well
Okay, so how does the texturizer work? do I have to grow out my relaxer or cut it off and start fresh or what? I really want a texturizer, but I'm almost to my bra strap goal.

your hair is beautiful! i have been thinking going natural (a big deal for me), but i think the texturizer is a better option. i'm going to save your photos as favorites.
Thx! That's truly a compliment. And again (I've posted this site before) check out Curve Salon's Before/After pics or texturizers they call "Silkeners". It shows all varieties of what a texturizer can do...

Hey model chick what is the procedure for getting a texturizer? Do you have to wait until the relaxer is completely gone out of your hair? Thanks for answering...Couldn't see your pics...But I seen the other ones and you are a model chick....When you move to the ATL you will love it. I currently live here and it is great but don't hang out much just a bookworm.....
Hey atlien--nope you don't have to have all of the relaxer gone to texturize--you can actually switch to texturizer gradually since it's the same chemical (relaxer). Just get a touch-up more infrequently--like every 3-4 months or more if you can, and just relax it just enough to loosen the curl a bit....

By the way, plans have changed--I'm moving to Miami the second week of May, which was my original plan. I had let a girlfriend of mine convince me of moving to Atlanta with her....but I've decided that I prefer Miami. Atlanta is still a cool place though!!!
Girl you the bomb
thanx for answering my questions so quickly. What will happen if you texturize and your ends are still a little relaxed?
THx, girl! You would eventually have to trim the fully relaxed ends off, I guess to really wear the hair "wash and wear" look...