Frequent washes and the effect on protein.........


Active Member
This may sound a bit crazy. Let's say you wash your hair like 2x's a week and your hair requires a lot of protein for its upkeep (like mine) and you do restorative treatments like aphogee once every 6 weeks. It is ridiculous to assume that with each wash you are "washing away" the treatment??? I ask b/ci'm thinking that i should increase my hardcore proetin to every 4 weeks and mositurize more in between.


New Member
I wash my hair at least twice a week and use Aphogee and have not had any adverse effects on my hair. You want to be careful about using too much protein. I would not use Aphogee that often. Do you deep condition your hair?


Active Member
yeah i deep condit my hair every time i wash it, which is now every 3-4 days. I just wanted to know if all this washing would wear off the protective coat of the treatment faster than normal. I usually do my deep proteins' every 5 weeks. In between that time, I rarely devote time to exclusively moisturizing condits, i'll use reconstructors like ORS instead. My hair is considerably stronger than it used to be so i think i'll lay off the reconstructors, but keep up with the deep protein.