Frizz Ease Ripple Effect


New Member
Hey ladies,

I used this for the first time yesterday and I love it!!!! Since i have 1/4 natural and 3/4 relaxed hair this brings out just the right amount of curls in the relaxed section. When I used it yesterday I hadn't washed my hair. So I just took my braid out from the night and sprayed my hair with pantene leave in until it was wet. While I was spraying it I scrunched it. After that I sprayed the ripple effect in my hair and kept scrunching. Then I diffused my hair and I had beautiful curls. I really really love it. Today I'm wearing my hair the same way - down and curly. This morning I had to do the same procedure: pantene + ripple effect + scrunching + diffusing. But I can't go too long with wearing my hair curly because of the products in my hair. Plus since tomorrow we have Monday and I'm back to work, I'm gonna wash my hair later on today when I get back home and then wear my bun during the week.

I just wanted to post this for the ladies who like wearing their hair curly every now and then. The product really works for me.

Have a nice day everybody,

That's great that you found a way to get curls! I did not have the same luck! I tried this product when I was fully relaxed and it just didn't work. I ended up looking like Diana Ross...