From Natural to Relaxer. I can't take this anymore


New Member
From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this anymore

please help

I am really considering relaxing my hair after 15months of being natural.

Do you have any tips or suggests for me?
Should I be talked out of this whole thing?
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this anymore

Trulynappy, tell us more. Why are you despairing? What's been happening to make you want to throw the towel in? How do you wear your hair? What's your regimen? Once you share those details we may either have solutions that will help you hang on, or we may agree you're better off relaxing. Just know that whichever way you go, we'll be here for you.
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this anymore

well, I just did what you are about to do, I went from natural to relaxed after being natural for almost 2 years
I have to say, that I enjoyed the softness of my natural hair much better. I got the relaxer and my hair started breaking off like crazy, my hair had grown so nicely w/out it but now I feel stuck. I was a lesson learned, Iam staying away from relaxers. I have to start all over again, but its ok. I would have to say it depends on who relaxes your hair. Good luck with whateva you decide to do, try to think of the pros and cons of having relaxed hair.
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this anymore

Please let us know, there are so many naturals here that can help you out, or help you fine tune your routine.
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this anymore

I was in your shoes back in May 2003 trying to decided if I should relax my hair. After being natural for many years, I had reached a point where caring for my 4a/b hair was too time consuming and stressful. Spending five to six hours every Saturday washing, conditioning and detangling was taking a toll on me.
Many times, I was near tears because the detangling process was so stressful as most of the recommended conditioners did not work well on my hair. I was losing a lot of hair in the comb out. I couldn't wear it straight because it would revert during the pressing/flat ironing process. Not to mention, that heat is my hair's enemy so it was also breaking!!! I was so frustrated with this hair.
After coming to LHCF, I learned that it is possible to have a healthy head of relaxed hair. So, in June 2003, I decided to relax my hair and I am so pleased with the result. A degree of normalcy has reemerged in my life! That was my experience but, of course, you'll have to analyze your situation and determine what's best for you. Let us know what you decide.
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this any

what exactly is driving you crazy? and what was your relaxed experience like? look for the natural threads, they might help. but do post your regimen and problems, we can help.
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this any

Just think about all the patience and time you put into growing your hair out. That always makes me turn away from thoughts of relaxing again.
If you had a bad experience with relaxing, why would you want to ruin your hair again?
Plus, don't go overboard with 'maintaining' your hair.
Thinking you HAVE to wash twice a week, deep condition every week, spritz and spray this product, etc. DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. Just because you read a few other people do it doesn't mean you have to. This has really helped to prevent upkeep burn-out for me.
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this any

Hey, girl...

I'd say DON'T RELAX. I'm currently going back natural. My hair just doesn't like relaxers.

I'm thinking that you may just need to find a new method for caring for your hair. Tell me...what is your regimen?

Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this anymore

I feel exactly the same as you, I'm really thinking about relaxing again. I have a hair appointment on Friday to get my hair pressed and styled. After my appointment I'll try to do it again myself, if I can't I'm going to relax. I don't want to feel dependent on someone else to do my hair, something I never had to do before. And frankly, I miss straight hair and my buns which I cannot do now.
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this any

<font color="purple">Let me tell you what I've decided to do with my hair after being natural for a few years. I recently relaxed my hair back in September, and I found that my hair would be better that way. Not only that, my hair has grown down my shoulders because of the way I took care of my natural hair all those years. To me, trying to be a natural is not that easy. Having relaxed hair can have you take good care of it gently. It depends on what you want to do with your hair, I guess.

Bottom line, I would go and relax the hair. Just make sure that the person who does it knows what she's doing. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, and deep condition every week, if you have to. Hope to help out. Toodles </font>
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this any

Thanks for all of your help and suggests.

I have decided to remain natural... for now anyway. My routine involves wearing wigs. Mostly because of the cold weather here on the east coast.
I wash and condition ever other week, braid my hair, then put the wig back on. I have yet to wear my hair "Out" so to speak.

Dealing with my hair becomes very time consuming nevertheless.

Thanks for all of your support. I truly appreciate everything.
Re: From Natural to Relaxer. I can\'t take this any

Good for you! Have you considered braids as an option to give yourself a break from dealing wih you hair so much?
Also, just in case you do change your mind, look into texturizers as an alternative instead of relaxing all the texture out your hair. That way you can have the best of both worlds!