Garlic Capsules to combat breakage/shedding


New Member
I know some of you ladies have used Garlic Shampoos & Conditioners.

Has anyone tried breaking open a garlic capsule and adding it to your shampoo or conditioner to stop shedding/breakage? I wonder if this method would have the same or even a better outcome?

Did it work or did it cause negative outcomes? TIA

I read on the Internet today about rubbing a piece of onion directly on the scalp for hair growth, as a pre-poo treatment. Onions and garlic both are sulphur so I only see benefits to adding garlic capsules to shampoo.
I have never have done that before. But when I was in the National Guard, when we would go to the field, my buddy and I would start taking Garlic caspuls 3-4 months everyday before going and while in the field. Keep the bugs away and almost everyone else. When you sweet it come out threw the skin.:fat::fat::lachen::lachen::lachen: