Good water softner shower head filter


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies I am looking to buy a showerhead of water filter that reduces the calcium and magnesium ion content of the water. I would also like it to remove chlorine ...
If any of you ladies use a shower head/filter please post your
Hi Tamika,
I just purchased a shower filter from home depot that supposedly is to make the water soft. The manufacturer was called Paragan and it cost $19.99 + 8.99 for the shower head. It has been installed for about 2 weeks, and the first time i shampooed my hair it did appear to be softer. I'm natural and i suffer with alot of tangles. It took me half the time to detangle my hair which says something. I have my hair in braids now so when i shampoo my hair i can't really tell the difference, but i will keep you posted. Seemingly it appears to make a difference not to mention that my showers are more stimulating.
Hey Tamika

If you are still looking for a shower filter, I'd suggest this website

I got one that cost about $35.99 ( I can't remember the brand) and the filter last for a year for a family of 4 (and I'm the only one who uses it, so needless to say I haven't replaced the filter yet.

Four years ago when I went away to school in Philly I discovered how bad hard water can be for your hair (it made my hair maaad dry and it always felt like it had a coating on it- and it completely chewed up my dyed ends
). My hair could not handle the huge difference between Philly H2O and NYC H2O (believe it or not NY has pretty good water in comparison to a lot of other places) Well in less that a month of using the filter, my hair did a complete 180- it was soft again and would respond better to my products, and I stopped wasting so much money on shampoo (b/c it takes a lot of shampoo to get your hair clean when you have hard water)--- Long story short, don't hesitate to get a shower filter, it saved my hair for sure
Hmm... isn't it a problem when we have to buy water filters for our showers because the water is so bad? I wonder if water has always been this bad, or what's causing it...
Thank you for responding. On Sunday I purchase an Aquansan showerhead water filter. I live in New York, is the water good here? I decided to get a filter because of the chlorine. I swim sometimes in the pool so I know how damaging chlorine is. Even though it concentration in our water supply suppose to be small in the long run it I figure it will eventually chew away your relax hair