
New Member
All you pregnant women out there or those that have already had children, have you seen growth during our pregnancy?


New Member
RoweenaD said:
All you pregnant women out there or those that have already had children, have you seen growth during our pregnancy?

I had a nice growth spurt while I was pregnant. My hair was just a little past my clavicle and at the end of my pregnancy, I was at APL. Then the shedding came afterwards.


Well-Known Member
I did. When I found out I was preggers with my son my hair was halle berry short. By the time I had him it was past shoulder length. When I found out I was preggers with my daughter I had just cut all the relaxer out and didn't have but maybe 1/2 inch all over. By the time I had her my hair grew about 4 inches..nothing compared to the growth I had with my son. Very weird. That was this past December. Now my hair is well on it's way to shoulder length, and I relaxed it around my 7th month.

Also, my hair fell out about a month after I had my son...the dr. said it was the excess hair that didn't shed for nine months. I had clumps fall out in the shower and still had a massive amount of hair on my head that was beautiful and healthy.


New Member
Man, I was so hyped waiting for the pregnancy growth spurt! With DD I got NO extra growth, and my hair seemed to even grow slower than before!!!!!! But that was pre-LHCF, and I didn't take care of my hair at ALL.

I'm currently pg with DS, and man was I hoping for some extra growth! Nope. Just my regular growth rate. The texture changed a little... less curly, more wavy. But I had my hopes up.

I didn't get postpartum shedding either time, though. I didn't lose any extra hair at all. So I guess it's a wash.


New Member
First pregnancy... hair shot out of my head, i went from shoulder length to bra strap and my hair thickened up like crazy. It all shed at 14 months postpartum.

This pregnancy. hair actually worsened because of undiagnosed anemia in my 5 month. It broke of at the crown badly. I was in tears. Now I got a cut and all of my ends are even and thicker since taking iron for 1 month along with my prenatal. I am back at shoulder length now.

Chanel's Tresses

New Member
My hair grew wild while I was pregnant with my DS. It was thicker and shiner without much work at all. I however did not notice the shedding eveyone else complains about but some of my friends have.


Well-Known Member
With all of my pregnancies my hair grew like wild. Really fast and it came out in clumps just as fast after I had my kids. This was pre LHCF though. What I am interested in knowing is if any of the ladies who have had babies while knowing how to take care of there hair have been able to retain that growth.

In a year or so, I am planning on having another baby.


New Member
I'm at 12 weeks, and I haven't noticed anything yet. I also wear my hair in a protective style I don't know...

I feel like I have a lot more hair, because combing on wash day is a 'B' but I can't tell. And once I make the decision to BC or not, then I'll Really not know


Active Member
With my first child my hair grew like a weed. The second time around it grew very thick. The thir time around I didn't notice any growth, in fact I think it slowed down. Anywho with the first two, Lipoxin stopped my shedding. I can't find it online anywhere to buy, but you can get at many Dominican salons.


Well-Known Member
I'm not pregnant but I am sooo afraid of the shedding aftermath (once I do decide to have children.) What can be done to slow it or stop it completely?


Ayiti cherie
I'm pregnant and I'm having the same growth as usual. I do notice that my hair is not shedding as much though so I'm expecting that after the baby is born.


Well-Known Member
nurseN98 said:
I'm pregnant and I'm having the same growth as usual. I do notice that my hair is not shedding as much though so I'm expecting that after the baby is born.

I adore your grass! :D Talk about thick and beautiful. WOW!


Well-Known Member
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
I'm not pregnant but I am sooo afraid of the shedding aftermath (once I do decide to have children.) What can be done to slow it or stop it completely?

I don't know if there is anything you can do but let nature take its course. One thing I did different between DS and DD was I stopped my prenatals right after he was born and that's when I had all the shedding but after my DD I continued (still do) taking them and no shedding at all.


New Member
I had no growth whatsoever during my pregnancy. I started with shoulder length hair and finished my pregnancy with shoulder length hair. But I was relaxed at the time and didi not get touchups during my pregnancy. So my hair was breaking a lot. But the good thing was my son came out with gorgeous, wavy, jet black long hair.:)


Active Member
I experienced a huge growth spurt during my pregnancy. I began with hair that was just past shoulder length and I am currently APL. My hair became really thick and I haven't experienced any shedding (3 months postpartum).

I've read in other threads that a few ladies used everything from Emergencee to Aphogee to stop the shedding. I'm hoping to avoid the shedding so, I pretty much leave my hair alone. I do take the time to do lots of DC and CO WASHES.

HTH :)

Oh BTW I used Castor Oil on my hair during my pregnancy.

so so chic

Active Member
During my pregnancy, I had a LOT of growth as well as thickness. And, luckily, I did not experience any of the shedding that I hear most women talk about. Also, during my pregnancy, I did not wash my hair often at all...I can't remember exactly, but I want to say that I actually went about 2 months towards the end of the pregnancy without washing it, out of pure laziness:eek:


New Member
I'm seven months now and I haven't experienced a lot of hair growth. My nails however are a different story. They've grown like crazy.


Happily retired
When I was pregnant with my daughter I didn't notice any growth spurt in my hair but my nails were beautiful. I didn't get the pp shedding because I continued with my prenates since I was breastfeeding.


New Member
So far I am not noticing any increased growth.. same with my first pregnancy. I shedded less with the first pregnancy than this one, but I attribute that to being anemic.

After the first one I did not have much shedding. I lost some hair due to overprocessing.

The main thing that I have noticed in pregnancy and my hair is that my scalp is more sentive to relaxers while I am pregnant.


Well-Known Member
I do have to say that I am noticing less shedding. I've asked my stylist if this will mean I will shed more after the baby's born and loos all my length - she said to keep up with the prenatals and I should be fine.

I plan to do braids (HYH) until december in hopes that low manipulation will help to retain the length I've gained during my pregnancy.

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
I did, at it was wonderful. But it did shed within a year or so of the birth of my daughter. I wasn't anything too drastic actually, but it did.

miss Congeniality

New Member
My hair was growing like a weed when I was pregnant. It was so thick and healthy. However, after I had my son it started falling out. It was really bad at my temples. I thought I was going bald, but my doctor said it was normal.


Active Member
I've never been preggers, but I must say that my sister's hair grew TREMENDOUSLY while she was pregnant. She has always had short, thin hair. Her hair not only grew in length, but it also thickened up. She absolutely loves it! All those prenatal vitamins helped.

I look forward to getting preggers b/c not only do I want my hair to grow, but I want my weak nails to get longer and stronger...oh, and of course I want a baby too :).


Active Member
With my first pregnancy, my hair growth rate wasn't any different but my hair was much thicker with more sheen. I just had twins two months ago and while pregnant with the twins, I saw much more growth. (Not sure if it was due to the pregnancy or if it was because I dusted my own hair instead of visiting my SHS.)