Hair Back Nappy after 3 weeks! help!


Well-Known Member
ok so i got a perm 3 weeks ago, it was design essentials. I really like that perm. I have been doing my surge and mtg twice a week. I have been washing it twice a week also. taking my vitamins and now my hair is so nappy and that new growth is making it hard to do anything with. my hair is short now so trying to stretch seems harder when your hair is short and have nothing to really work with. I imagined that once i get to shoulder length i will be able to do more to stretch but i dont know what to do right now. I have been putting the coconut oil on the newgrowth, it makes it softer but i think my hair looks bad. Any suggestions?
thanks beauty for your response,i thought maybe the surge was leading to reversion of my perm or something. could i possibly have that much new growth?
I tell you that MTG has made it impossible for me to relax my hair. :lol: I can attest to the fact that both Surge and MTG makes yr perm revert quickly. I also have to say that it makes my hair grow very fast when it is texturized. My natural hair it makes it grow more coilier than usual.:D
Hopefully, your hair is really GROWING that fast. If it is - you might want to put it away until it's long enough for you to be able to stretch comfortably. Do something like C&G, where you are wearing braids 90% of the time - jsut make sure they aren't too big and aren't too tight. That way - you can stretch, and STILL keep that fabulous growth rate - AND protect your ends so that you retain all your growth...

*makes a note to go and pick up some Surge & MTG - DANG!!!!*