Hair growth and pregnancy...

When I was pregnant with my son my hair grew like someone was pulling it from the root. It was long and beautiful. I kept it even after he was born.

When I was pregnant with my daughter I had the hair from h**l!!!!!!!! It was thick and resisted a relaxer like nothing I'd ever seen before. The one good thing was it did grow ALOT.

I never measured my new growth then so I can't say an exact length. I will say that the new growth got so outta control when I was pregnant with my daughter I got braids the last six weeks of my pregnancy. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner than that!
Good question, I should have measured but I had a trim after I got a touchup. Before my trim it was about 2.5 inches below BS. I cut it back up to the bottom of my BS. Funny thing was 3 months later it shed like crazy!!!
Did all of you have a lot of shedding after you had the baby? Was it so much that your hair started to look thin or did it just go back to it's normal thickness.
My hair still hasn't shed... my daughter turned 1 a week ago
and was weaned 3-4 weeks ago. My hair is a little thinnier but still very thick. My moms hair sisn't shed after she had me either, guess I'm one of the lucky ones.