hair is the same length it was 4mnths ago


Well-Known Member
ok ok i know I am supposed to be patient.....but i've been lurking on here for quite some time and i've been moisturizing and sealing and i've expected to see my hair grow at least an inch in 4 months but nothing:ohwell: i took my measuring tape out and behold my hair is exactly the same length. what am i doing wrong?
I really don't know what your doing wrong, because there not a lot of info on what your doing to your hair. You may not be retaining length. Is there a certain style your doing? What your regimen and style routine?
Are you natural or relaxed? If you are natural are you measuring your hair in its curly state? If its really curly you might not see a diffference. When I pull my hair in its curly state it looks the same length as it did this time last year. :ohwell:

Did you take pictures 4 months ago to compare?

We definitely need more information
I haven't had a perm since september 2007. But I went to the salon every two weeks for a wash, blow dry, and flat iron. so I guess my hair is heat trained? Now I only go to the salon once every 4 weeks. I wash once a week with pureology, condition with either knot today or carols daughter vanilla bean and let air dry or apply kinky curly custard. sometimes I co-wash once a week as well. At night I spray water and leave in conditioner and but into knots. I unravel the knots and were in a high bun. that's pretty much my routine. I'll post pics later today. thanks ladies
Have you had any issues with breakage??

I noticed when I was going to salon every two weeks little pieces of hair would be all over the floor when I wraped at night. now not so much, just long strands shedding but not excessive shedding.
More questions:

when your stylist straightens your hair what type of Blow Dryer does she use??
Regular or Ionic??

Flat Iron
Regular or Ceramic?

Heat Protectant??
Oil, Serum, Cream?
When you moisturize and seal do you see little pieces of hair? I had to give up moisturizing and sealing because this was my issue. I dont think protein was necessary because that was the only time it would break. Do you see little pieces on your shirt throughout the day?
It may well be that your stylist is trimming away all of your growth. Is she trimming as preventative maintenance or is she trimming due to split ends? If she's trimming as preventative maintenance or to maintain a style then you might want to reduce the frequency of the trims especially if there are no splits present. Good luck OP
When I went to the hairdresser regularly, my hair stayed the same length for years. Some tend to cut your hair where they want it to be, regardless if you are trying to gain length. My hair is longer than it has ever been now. I do believe one of the main reasons is because I no longer go to the hair dresser and I have cut trims down to twice per year after changing to better hair practices.
More questions:

when your stylist straightens your hair what type of Blow Dryer does she use??
Regular or Ionic??

Flat Iron
Regular or Ceramic?

Heat Protectant??
Oil, Serum, Cream?

she uses ionic blow dryer and ceramic flat irons and morocan oil(not sure if that is a heat proctectant and somtimes CHI.
When you moisturize and seal do you see little pieces of hair? I had to give up moisturizing and sealing because this was my issue. I dont think protein was necessary because that was the only time it would break. Do you see little pieces on your shirt throughout the day?

Since i limit the number of times I go to the salon, not really. I see few pieces here and there but not nearly as much as before.
she uses ionic blow dryer and ceramic flat irons and morocan oil(not sure if that is a heat proctectant and somtimes CHI.

It could be the oil she is using on your hair prior to flat ironing it. Oil+High Intensity Heat=Frying.
Flat Ironing and Blow Drying hair with oil is like frying chicken. Its heating your hair from the inside out, which over time causes heat damage, which causes breakage...especially starting to your ends since they are the oldest part of your hair.

It is suggested to use heat protectant at all times prior to blow drying/flat ironing because they contain silicones which protect the hair from frying.

I found out this info Here:

I don't know who this member was but she went through the scientific aspects of it.

Happy Hair Journey :wave:
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i would say maybe 1" to 1.5" 4-5 times a year. However, after finding this site I think that is way to much and will now only have my hair trimmed twice a year.

This sounds like your culprit right there.

The "stylist" was cutting off the majority of your progress.
It could be the oil she is using on your hair prior to flat ironing it. Oil+High Intensity Heat=Frying.
Flat Ironing and Blow Drying hair with oil is like frying chicken. Its heating your hair from the inside out, which over time causes heat damage, which causes breakage...especially starting to your ends since they are the oldest part of your hair.

It is suggested to use heat protectant at all times prior to blow drying/flat ironing because they contain silicones which protect the hair from frying.

I found out this info Here:

I don't know who this member was but she went through the scientific aspects of it.

Happy Hair Journey :wave:

thank you!
It could be the oil she is using on your hair prior to flat ironing it. Oil+High Intensity Heat=Frying.
Flat Ironing and Blow Drying hair with oil is like frying chicken. Its heating your hair from the inside out, which over time causes heat damage, which causes breakage...especially starting to your ends since they are the oldest part of your hair.

It is suggested to use heat protectant at all times prior to blow drying/flat ironing because they contain silicones which protect the hair from frying.

I found out this info Here:

I don't know who this member was but she went through the scientific aspects of it.

Happy Hair Journey :wave:

I read these links a few weeks ago after reading about the poster on another board.

Once I incorporated her suggestions my flat iron job looked like I stepped out of a salon (see avi picture)
i would say maybe 1" to 1.5" 4-5 times a year. However, after finding this site I think that is way to much and will now only have my hair trimmed twice a year.

There's your problem right there. Not trying to be mean but it seems as if you knew that was problem. I don't see the need for this topic to be made into a thread if you knew your stylist was taking all of those inches off your hair in the first place.

Sent from my MB200 using Long Hair Care Forum App
sherrimberri, since your hair is heat trained, it may be a while before you see length. Your hair may be getting back to health first (strengthening and thickening) as you minimize the amount of heat you are now applying to your hair. Perhaps going 6 mos. without any heat will yield the results you are seeking as far as length is concerned.
I read these links a few weeks ago after reading about the poster on another board.

Once I incorporated her suggestions my flat iron job looked like I stepped out of a salon (see avi picture)


Your hair looks nice. :grin: I read somewhere that the old poster was a neuroscientist and was very informative about chemicals.
She knows her stuff.

OP, I missed the part about her trimming your hair. Yup, that could be it also. If she cuts 1-1.5 inches every 4-5 months then that means you've lost ( I'm estimating) 3-4.5 inches a year leaving you with only 1.5-3 inches of hair :perplexed

Yeeeah. Some stylist can be very scissor happy
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Your hair looks nice. :grin: I read somewhere that the old poster was a neuroscientist and was very informative about chemicals.
She knows her stuff.

OP, I missed the part about her trimming your hair. Yup, tat could be it also if she cuts 1-1.5 inches every 4-5 months then that means you've lost ( I'm estimating) 3-4.5 inches a year leaving you with only 1.5-3 inches of hair :perplexed

Yeeeah. Some stylist can be very scissor happy

Thank you and yeah I've found many of the post from 2007 and back are very helpful.

Yeah most "stylist" do not know how to trim properly. OP she was cutting your hair not trimming it, a trim should be NO MORE than a 1/2 inch
There's your problem right there. Not trying to be mean but it seems as if you knew that was problem. I don't see the need for this topic to be made into a thread if you knew your stylist was taking all of those inches off your hair in the first place.

Sent from my MB200 using Long Hair Care Forum App

ok but the problem is now i havent a had a trim in 4 months and i feel like my hair has not grown in these four months so that is why i posted. Ive already stated that i will now only trim twice a year. Ps you do sound mean...
I'm so glad you know now what it may be. I'm having the same issue, trying to figure out what it is because I don't get breakage and I rarely get split ends =/ but sometimes you need to see thickness before the growth. Best of luck!
I'm so glad you know now what it may be. I'm having the same issue, trying to figure out what it is because I don't get breakage and I rarely get split ends =/ but sometimes you need to see thickness before the growth. Best of luck![


thanks. I hope you can figure yours out too. Good luck!
i would say maybe 1" to 1.5" 4-5 times a year. However, after finding this site I think that is way to much and will now only have my hair trimmed twice a year.

Depending on how fast your hair grows she could be very well cutting all of your hair that is growing. My hair only grows 1/4-1/3 inch a month so cutting that much would mean I would retain no length. EVen if your hair grows the average 1/2 inch a month if she cuts 1 inch 5 times a yr you would be left w/1 inch retained. Baby your ends and stop letting the stylist trim. Instead I would suggest dusting your ends on your own at home. Only cutting like 1/4 inch or less.
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@sherrimberri, since your hair is heat trained, it may be a while before you see length. Your hair may be getting back to health first (strengthening and thickening) as you minimize the amount of heat you are now applying to your hair. Perhaps going 6 mos. without any heat will yield the results you are seeking as far as length is concerned.

^^I agree with this.

You're not seeing little broken strands everywhere anymore because you've cut the bi-weekly heat usage which is good, but that doesn't mean the hair isn't still suffering a little from past heat damage. You may still be losing broken hairs in the shower. Like said in the quoted post I think if you give it some time you should start seeing length again. HHG!
I agree w "myjourney2009". 1.5 inches is about 3 mos worth of growth for the average person who gains .5 a month. doing that 4-5 times a year? The math isn't in your favor when it comes to growing out your hair. i have stopped trimming my hair so frequently and the retention is stellar. I used to be obsessed w fresh ends. Now, i trim 1-2 inches a year total, my ends are healthy and my retention is on point. HTH