Has anyone experienced hair loss after surgery?


Hi All -

Going in for fibroid surgery in the coming month.

Wanted to know if anyone has experienced hair loss after major surgery 3 - 4 months afterwards? Been reading about this and would like to know if I may be able to do anything to combat such . . .
I had minor (laparoscopic) surgery in July of this year. I haven't noticed any hair loss. I don't see how there would be any hair loss post-surgery. Maybe if the hospital decides to not feed you and you have some major nutritional deficiencies, which I doubt would happen.
Thanks Bene . . . I am having an abdominal myomectomy . . . I'm hoping I do not experience hair loss and I have a positive experience such as yours.

How have you been physically since the surgery?
Hey i had a Fibroidenoma I got 2 removed out of my breast, last year in November. I didnt see much growth intil after April, and I was transitioning to natural at the time. I transitioned for eight months with only 2 inces of new growth (BCedfeb-09), but I got an growth spurt afterwards though in April.
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Ang! Hopefully, You've implemented a Vitamin Regimen prior to having your Surgery including Hair Vitamins & Vitamin E.:yep:

I had this same Surgery a while back.:look:

IK they say anesthesia can cause Hair Loss, so be careful. They say it takes at least 6 months for the effects of anesthesia to completely get out of your system.

Thankfully, my Hair did not have any adverse affects. But I was already taking vitamins before I even knew I had fibroids and/or surgery.

Keep Your Hair Well Moisturized and Conditioned afterwards, and if you are "relaxed" wait a while Post Op, before getting your next Touch Up.

pm me if you want to talk further.:yep:

Take Care:hug2:
I've been fine, I recovered pretty quickly, and am still adjusting to life without a gallbladder. :D

It's a common myth that the anesthesia will cause hair loss. It's most likely the trauma of surgery on the body that would cause some shedding. There is nothing that could prevent that. I was more afraid of my hair getting in the way at the hospital, so I de-tangled and braided it loosely before the surgery. I figured an IV in my arm would make this impossible for the time.

I have friends who've had surgeries and whatnot, and they gave me the best advice. They told me to bring magazines to the hospital, and to have a stack of magazines, books, audiobooks, and movies waiting for me when I got home because I'd be stuck in bed for a while. Also, having a good multi-vitamin waiting for you when you got home, and any easy foods, since you won't be in any shape to cook or have much of an appetite. Don't bother with paying for a television for the first few days, you'll be asleep most of the time, so it's a waste. When you're able to stay awake for more than half an hour at a time, you can always ask for the tv then.
Thanks ladies for all of the advice - taking notes and will def up my vitamin intake and get ready for my hospital stay with Bene's recommendations:)!
I have. The last couple of years I had my first surgeries, and all the medicine they put me on was causing the hair loss.
Hi Ang,

I had my fibroids removed in January. And yes I experienced hair loss. I freaked out and I am not even a hair fanatic like that. I cried and wept because it would come out when I washed it, combed it etc.

If this happens ask you doctor for iron pills, get them prescribed. Then I would use follicure shampoo and conditioner, just until the hair comes back strong. I used the entire follicure line including the ampoules.

Losing hair can be devestating...I know! It was like wow I'm 28 and have fibroids now I'm losing my hair! You will be fine though, just have your docs check your iron levels.

Wishing you the best of luck!


The surgeries i had prior to LHCF - i had significant hair loss, but i had surgery since joining LHCF, and of course took very good care of my hair since, and no significant hair loss, but slow growth. I am also on blood thinners for life, so that could be the culprit also.
I had knee surgery last December and had no problems with hair loss. I pray all goes well for you.
Hi All -

Going in for fibroid surgery in the coming month.

Wanted to know if anyone has experienced hair loss after major surgery 3 - 4 months afterwards? Been reading about this and would like to know if I may be able to do anything to combat such . . .

I was fine after my surgeries. If you are concerned, please invest in the book “Prescription for Nutritional Healing." There is wonderful advice on preparing for surgery and afterwards. I think it’s one of the best books on the market for natural healthcare.
Thanks Princess Linzz - I have had to up my iron intake - with a possible iron infusion. Afterwards I will continue to take in iron. Good idea on the follicure shampoo:)!
I had fibroid surgery in June 2008 and I think I was about 7 weeks post relaxer. I prepared myself ahead of time for the surgery. I did not have any hair loss. I have been on this journey since December 2007. I did not get a retouch until I had my stitches removed. I was about 10 weeks post. The drugs I don't think affected my hair too much. I just made prior preparation and had a post surgery routine. I remember being too sore after the first week of surgery and I washed my hair exactly one week after. I think prior planning on your part will be beneficial and you won't loose any hair. I pray that you have a speedy recover.
I had several sugeries where I didnt really pay attention, I lost lots of hair. The last surgery I paid more attention and my anemia was much better, I lost very little hair. I am preparing for another procedure but, it will be with a local not anesthesia, I am praying again for no hair loss.
I had major surgery from endometriosis years ago and I experienced shedding - primarily from the anesthesia, but I had to start a major vitamin reggie - iron and prenatals to get my myself healthy again.

It wasn't noticeable to anyone but me, so that was a good thing. Though, I must admit, it was a horror to watch all that hair come out. If you start your vitamins early B4 surgery, that may help a bit.
I had fibroid surgery in June 2008 and I think I was about 7 weeks post relaxer. I prepared myself ahead of time for the surgery. I did not have any hair loss. I have been on this journey since December 2007. I did not get a retouch until I had my stitches removed. I was about 10 weeks post. The drugs I don't think affected my hair too much. I just made prior preparation and had a post surgery routine. I remember being too sore after the first week of surgery and I washed my hair exactly one week after. I think prior planning on your part will be beneficial and you won't loose any hair. I pray that you have a speedy recover.

Was your routine during that time? Would like to get started on one myself!