Having scalp issues!


This weekend I washed my hair and since I didn't have any leave in conditioner I left a little bit of keracare conditioner in my hair when I was roller setting. I had added a couple of drops of peppermint oil to the conditioner to stimulate my scalp. I wrapped my hair after taking out my rollers and my scalp is so sore until it is ridiculous! I am literally in pain it hurts so bad. I used to oil my scalp so I pulled out some grease and oiled it thinking maybe my scalp needed some lubrication (I used natures blessing with no petroleum or mineral oil), but it seems to have made it worse! What do I do?
well, I would wash your hair again so u can get the peppermint out of it. This time dont use the peppermint, and maybe use a little EVOO on your scalp or even nothing at all. You may also want to pretreat your hair before washing with some EVOO and conditioner and a plastic cap. that helps a lot with my dry scalp.
Thanks! I am natural and trying to adjust to the whole no heat thing and was trying to not have to wash again. But oh well, I know what to do!

I heard that peppermint oil can irritate the scalp. I would wash over again w/ a hydrating shampoo. If you have some aloe vera gel, you might want to put that on your scalp. Then I wouldn't put anything else on your scalp for awhile (at least a week) to let it heal besides the aloe vera gel.