Henna Mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar STINKS!

Miss Ann

New Member
I did my first application of henna last night. I mixed it with apple cider vinegar and I literally couldn't sleep it smelled so bad. I woke up 3 times, but was too lazy to get up and wash it out.

Any suggestions on what to mix henna with so it doesn't stink so bad?

(I'm doing a 1 year personal hair challenge. I'm going to henna every other week, deep condition every week, and no heat for a year.)

Try lemon or lime juice for dye release + water. Try tea + water. BTW how much vinegar did you use? Please don't take offense at my question but the bulk of your liquid was water with only a couple teaspoons vinegar right?
Henna itself has an earthy straw like odor that some don't care for.
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The orange juice had enough acid the start dye release on it's on, and is less harsh than the vinegar.


My henna recipe is 200g jamila henna and 4 cups of orange juice. I put some orange essential oil in too for more orange smell. I get dye release in about 2-3 hours (I think, I never really checked too much sooner than that)

My hair never comes out dry afterwards even before deep conditioning and it smells much less offensive than acv :)
Henna smells like fresh cut grass. I can't imagine how much nastier it stinks with ACV.

I henna'd last weekend and only added hot water in the mix. The henna took very well and the red dye was released just fine. I used to add lime juice, but it dried out my hair too much. If I were you I'd add hot water only or with tea.
I use lavender and chamomile flowers to make my henna with. They both are very conditioning. To me lemon juice makes my hair to dry. If I add for better color I only use a capful. HTH
I use lavender and chamomile flowers to make my henna with. They both are very conditioning. To me lemon juice makes my hair to dry. If I add for better color I only use a capful. HTH

Miss Kitty, is lavender and chamomile flowers a product or just real flowers. I feel stupid asking. Sounds mighty lovely either way! LOL
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I don't use ACV because it's too drying for my hair. I use Chamomile tea and always get great dye release, even if I only leave it sitting for an hour (just trying to get the conditioning benefits and I was in a hurry). It still has it's earthy smell, but it doesn't bother me too much. I can't even imagine what it must smell like using something like ACV.