Hey ladies, I have to go to a wedding and my 4a hair has been dry look????

Hey Ladies, I need help. I am natural 4a mostly with some 3c and 4b. I cowash all the time so that is not the issue.

I have to go to a wedding, but my hair has been looking a little dry lately. I would like a recommendation for a product that will give my curls shine, define them and just not look dry!!!

I really would like for it to be store bought because I do not have the time. The wedding is this Saturday.

I dont want gel at all.
Are you natural? I like elasta qp feels like silk liguid gel. It gives a light moveable hold, soft to touch with shine.

It can be found at sally's and other bss stores.
Hey ladies, I am natural. No im not going to wear a pin and curl. I plan on wearing it up(curly puff with flower) or wash and go with flower or maybe roll in the back with zing and curls in the front. Im a pretty simple girl. Its just that my curls have been looking dry, dont know if is the hawaiian silky 14-1.
Maybe it's looking dry because of buildup from co washing.

Try clarifying with baking soda.
im 3cish and where a lot of wng's and i use cocnut oil and a cond as a leave in or giovanni direct leave in ...love this stuff. Hope this helps
Maybe it's looking dry because of buildup from co washing.

Try clarifying with baking soda.

I don't like baking soda however I love using ACV. And I use ACV often which helps a lot with my hair.

I did use henna almost two weeks ago(posted a thread about it), it did not work too well with my hair.
Wen fanatic here. When is the wedding?

If you have time to order, I say use Wen Fig.
If your hair likes it, you will be amazed how moist and pretty your hair will be.

I'm relaxed, but Chaz Dean's website shows just how pretty your curls can be with Wen.

I hope you find a solution. Have a good time at the wedding!
What are you co-washing with? That could be the problem. Certain conditioners can dry your hair out. If you're willing to buy new products, Joico Intense Hydrator is great and also Motions Silk Protein is a great moisturizing conditioner. Both only need about 5 minutes to work.
Its just that my curls have been looking dry, dont know if is the hawaiian silky 14-1.

It's the Hawaiian Silky. I had to stop using it for that very reason. I had used it for over 4 years and never had a problem then all of a sudden dryness like you wouldn't believe. I'm sure however you wear it you will look beautiful!! Hope this helps!!!