Hooded Dryers

Back in the day, before i moved to NYC and discovered the beauty of Dominican salons (ie, wash/set for only $15 bucks) I did my own hair, as i wasnt trying to pay $50 for something that i could do myself.

But anyway, back when i would do my own hair, I did own a hooded dryer. And to answer your question, I used it to dry my roller sets (about 45 min. then).... and I would occasionally sit under there for a few minutes to deep condition. Thats about it.
blueabyss333 said:
Deep conditioning and rollersetting.;) I just bought a new Gold 'N Hot last week.

How often do you rollerset? Since it is not direct heat I'm guessing it would be possible to rollerset under the dryer quite often, right?
Safina87 said:
How often do you rollerset? Since it is not direct heat I'm guessing it would be possible to rollerset under the dryer quite often, right?

When i was doing it myself (pre-NYC move) I did it only every 2 weeks, because I was lazy. Now that i go to the salon its once a week, and my hair seems to be pretty healthy. I suppose this is because it is not direct heat, as you said....?
Safina87 said:
How often do you rollerset? Since it is not direct heat I'm guessing it would be possible to rollerset under the dryer quite often, right?

I know every one is different and some are able to have healthy hair with repeated use of heat, but that is not true for me and so from my personal experence (4b, relaxed hair) I advice extreme caution with heat, even indirect heat -- IMO, heat is heat no matter its source or how much we *protect* our hair -- the most to hope for is LESS damage because even indirect heat will cause damage with repeated, frequent use . . .
I use mine for roller sets or to dry my hair and deep conditioning. I have a Pibbs and I set mine to 35 degrees. It's like a cool fan blowing above your head. I roller set twice a week. ITA with Neroli.
thanx for replying ladies.

I definately understand that heat is damaging....
But how often can you use heatappliances without it resulting in moderate damage and reduced hairgrowth?
Safina87 said:
thanx for replying ladies.

I definately understand that heat is damaging....
But how often can you use heatappliances without it resulting in moderate damage and reduced hairgrowth?

I think that is a highly individual determination and will vary from person to person. ANY heat reduces my growth, from personal experience and experimentation, I just gave it up and never looked back. You may have to do your own 'trial and error' to discover your *heat threshold* for damage . . .
Well, I think it depends on your hair. My hair is thin, dry, and relaxed. Any little heat I apply to my hair causes problems. About 2-3 months ago I decided to flat iron my hair instead of my usual rollerset. Big mistake, my hair had started to split (I never see split ends, ever) and it was breaking every time I ran a comb through it. I haven't used heat since. On the other hand, some can use heat without the mere sight of damage or breakage. I think opinions are great, but what I have learned is that everyone's hair is different. You have to see what your hair likes and dislikes. I'll try something that one might advise, and if it doesn't work out, I'm tossing it.

Safina87 said:
thanx for replying ladies.

I definately understand that heat is damaging....
But how often can you use heatappliances without it resulting in moderate damage and reduced hairgrowth?
yes, I see how it can be individual..
Maybe it has something to do whether you're 3b/c or 4a/b....
I've been on this forum for a while and the people that seem to have the most damage from heat seem to have higher hair types, would you agree?
is 4a/b hair more fragile?
Safina87 said:
yes, I see how it can be individual..
Maybe it has something to do whether you're 3b/c or 4a/b....
I've been on this forum for a while and the people that seem to have the most damage from heat seem to have higher hair types, would you agree?
is 4a/b hair more fragile?

Oh yes, I can't vouch for anyone else, but my hair (4B) can get dry as straw and rough as sand paper. :lol: But, you just gotta work with what ya got. It has done a complete turn around. I moisture every single day, no exceptions, deep condition twice a week, and use absolutely no heat.
I use mine for my rollersets, I rollerset 98% of the time after I wash and my hair loves it. I don't use any other type of heat really, though I did buy a FHI flatiron recently and used it to flat iron the roots a little so I didn't look like a crazy person with all my new growth.
I haven't seen any damage. In fact my hair has improved from using a hooded dryer, if nothing else. For me, it's better than airdrying. I've been out of touch with the chemistry of our hair, but doesn't it help lock in moisture?
Mostly for deep conditioning...
If I'm in a rush and I'm rollersetting...I'll then use my hooded dryer for that...
but usually i'll air dry.
I use mine for deep conditioning treatments, protein treatments, roller sets, and wraps. I use mine quite a bit because my hair takes forever to dry and I just don't have time. I washed my hair yesterday morning, put it in two braids and it took all day and night to dry.
I sure wish they had dominican salons around here. I use my hooded dryer everyweek for deep conditioning and rollersets.