How to avoid breakage with phony ponies?


Active Member

Right now I'm wearing my hair cornrowed up, with a phony pony. It sort of looks like this, just higher up in the crown of my hair:


pic from:

My question is: how do you protect those cornrows from breakage at the crown? When they become individuals and I have to put them in a pony in order to put the phony pony on they get "bent" or "folded over" or so to speak... and I'm afraid that that is where I'll get breakage in the future. I really really love this style, since my whole head is braided up and I can easily cowash daily/steam/sweat when I work out/etc, but I don't want to lose progress. Any ideas? TIA.
Hi I'm bumping for you because your style looks cute, hope that someone will answer you.
I personally do not see why you would get breakage as long as the braids are not too tight and you do not stick the phony combs (if any) without oiling them first as you would do with half wigs ....
Hi I'm bumping for you because your style looks cute, hope that someone will answer you.
I personally do not see why you would get breakage as long as the braids are not too tight and you do not stick the phony combs (if any) without oiling them first as you would do with half wigs ....

Thanks! The braids aren't tight, and I cut the combs out of the pony ... so I think I should be fine. I was just afraid since the hair has to fold over. Idk if I'm explaining that correctly. lol. I think what I'm gonna do is just not wear it in the house (where I am the majority of the day) so that the braids don't have to be in a ponytail until it's time to leave the house/go somewhere. :)
You can wrap a baggy around the loose braids after moisturizing them with a spritz, cream or oil. You can also remove the comb parts and rely on other hair pins to secure the pony. Do you remove the phony pony at night, or do you leave it in?
I wore that style for a year circa 06' minus the cornrows. My hair was horribly damages and had come out to the point I could barely get it ina ponytail to attach a ponytail and had to use a lot of bobby pins to help. My hair was so weak that the beauty school I went to refused to relax it. I didnt relax for an entire year and I had trimmed out the damage slowly. Anyway my point is my hair thrived in that style and I didnt get any breakage. I simply washed and deep conditioned weekly and slapped it back in the phonytail for the week. I think your hair will be fine as long as you are taking care of it and keeping it conditioned. My hair grew like a weed! I wish I could do it again...but I cant stand to have my hair pulled back tight for a week. Im wearing a high puff bun most of the time now, but when I get home at the end of the day I have to let the beast free LOL.
I think making sure it's not too tight. Removing it at night and daily moisture and sealing should be sufficient...
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize (daily) and if you use a ponytail holder make sure to.let it soak in evoo or other mineral oil free oils before you use it.

Also remember your protein/moisture balance so you don't kill your hair with to much moisture
You can wrap a baggy around the loose braids after moisturizing them with a spritz, cream or oil. You can also remove the comb parts and rely on other hair pins to secure the pony. Do you remove the phony pony at night, or do you leave it in?

Yep, I do take it off at night! Actually... since I'm not working and I stay home, I keep it off in the house - which, depending on the day might be all day or just until we go out in the evening or something. I usually just lay the braids flat then wrap the hair. I'm a mess for that but... I see no point in wearing it round the house. lol.

I wore that style for a year circa 06' minus the cornrows. My hair was horribly damages and had come out to the point I could barely get it ina ponytail to attach a ponytail and had to use a lot of bobby pins to help. My hair was so weak that the beauty school I went to refused to relax it. I didnt relax for an entire year and I had trimmed out the damage slowly. Anyway my point is my hair thrived in that style and I didnt get any breakage. I simply washed and deep conditioned weekly and slapped it back in the phonytail for the week. I think your hair will be fine as long as you are taking care of it and keeping it conditioned. My hair grew like a weed! I wish I could do it again...but I cant stand to have my hair pulled back tight for a week. Im wearing a high puff bun most of the time now, but when I get home at the end of the day I have to let the beast free LOL.

This is super encouraging. I can't stand to have my hair pulled tight either, which is why I like the cornrows (my braider doesn't braid tight).

Thanks to all you ladies, I feel really good about this now! I've been cowashing daily since I've been working out daily (plus I live in AZ) and my hair feels so soft and nice. No itchies. I plan on steaming with GPB every other week (in between the AOSHR steam weeks). Every 4 weeks I'll be taking it down to get shampooed/a protein treatment/rebraided.

I'm fairly certain I'll be WL in May of next year if I stay consistent with this!