How to Create this HAIRSTYLE?!


New Member
I'm going to try to describe this to the best of my ability and hope that you all know what I am talking about and can help me.

OK! There is this hairstyle...I think its a retro hairstyle, it started out with celebrities wearing it...and the sides look like they are slick completely back. The top middle which is created by making one part on both sides of the head (bang area) is in this mohawk/bun type thing and is elevated. It's like a hump. You can wear the back out, up, down, however you want.

I just wanted to know how to create the top middle. Anybody know what I am talking about? I cant find any pictures to help describe what I am talking about. I know paris hilton is seen photographed with this hair style quite often and I can't think of any other people right now. It's becoming popular for black girls to wear too!
i know exactly what your talking about! i even guessed that was what style you were trying to get before i read it. i'll look for a pic..
THANKS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I'm so desperate to change up my hairstyle! I'm tired of wearing this wanna be aaliyah swoop that ain't quite swoopin because of my dead, thin ends! LOL!

Ya'll help a sista out!
couldnt find any pics, but i did find this: (of course you'd need to substitute the products)

Ponytail with an Edge
This is not the same ponytail you wore in elementary school. Today, even basic pulled-back hair has undergone a makeover. Get instant glam-punk, rocker-girl style with the unique mohawk ponytail.

How to get it:
Build volume and lift for even the finest hair by spraying Sheer Blonde Full-Blown Blonde Volumizing Spray to the underside of wet or dry hair, focusing on the roots, especially at the crown. Using a brush, blow-dry hair in the opposite direct it naturally falls, creating life and volume at the roots. Pull hair into a ponytail directly in the back of your head, at eye level, leaving the top, front section of the hair out. Tie the ponytail with an elastic keeping the sides pulled tight. Gently tease the front section with a comb or brush and spray with Sheer Blonde Crystal Clear Shape and Shimmer Hair Spray. To create the mohawk look add this section to your ponytail.
I have a picture of it in my album under D.Shy hairstyles--than under ponytails

What i did...was part my hair into a square from my forehead all the way back until where my ponytail started....I Curled my ends under with my finger and pinned it so it looked like how i wanted it too..

i part bangs blush my hair into a ponytail flip the bangs back lifting at the roots with a comb and combing back letting it poof then blend with a brush b4 putting on the ponytail holder then i secure the blended part with pins.

hope that helps/makes sense, you just have to play around with it