How to take care of cornrows (with weave)?


Well-Known Member
I just got my hair braided in cornrows using weave. My question is how do I care for them? I want them to last a week but I want them to look fresh for that whole week. It's been only two days and the back is already looking a bit frizzy.

I also went to an alpha party last night. It was packed, hot as hell and I and danced a little too much so it has got even frizzier. I tied it right up when I got home last night (well...this morning :grin:)

But is there anything I can put it on to help tame frizzies and keep them away other than wrapping it in a silk scarf? A gel or pomade, maybe? Or is that a no-no?


New Member
Try some Let's Jam or Neutrogena Triple Moisture anti frizz cream. It also helps to smooth mousse on, seal with a light oil and tie with a scarf.


Well-Known Member

I always have my hair in ghanian braids/conrow...I usually use the ORS oilive oil lotion and spray Aubrey Organics White Camellia and Jasmine Shine Conditioner Spray then cover with a scarf, even after a month it looks like I have only had the hair in for a bout a week or two as this helps with my frizz. With this little ritual I usually can keep the braids for about 2 or sometimes three months and that includes me washing every weekend. Hope that helps:drunk: