Huge setback.. (vent!!)


New Member
Its been close to a week since this happened but it did not write about it because i saw sooo mad, i did not even know what to write. I had posted earlier about how i got a weave with intentions of growing my hair out but it was too tight and after some recommendation from a few people here i decided to take it out..Only to discover something horrific, my hair that was about neck length had been cut so badly all in the name of a trim. What was even worse was the cut was not even my left side was right at my earlobe and the right side was mid-meck length. The most annoying part is that i am back in school and there is ABSOLUTELY no where i can go that will know how to handle black hair. SO i had a friend cut the right side so it is somewhat even with the left side. All the progress i made is gone:sad:. I am feeling better now, i have accepted that there is really nothing that can be done about it, I am just going to keep caring for it and waiting for it to grow back. THIS SUCKS.
yeah protective styles, i am thinking about ordering a wig, still havent found one that i quite like. My hair is presently to short to wear into a ponytail of any sort... so am guessing a wig is probably the only option i have.
Awww, sorry to hear this. In a few month this will be a distant memory and you will have your progress back
I'm sorry for your setback. Your hair will grow back, with patience and consistency.
Dag, that's messed up. Well just up those scalp massages and DC and you should be back there if not beyond by the end of '09.
I'm sorry to hear about your set back, you seem to have a good attitude about it. I recommend you find a nice wig also until your hair grows out, that way you can just take care of your hair and protect it as it grows back.

There is a thread here about some beautiful human hair hand made wigs ... the maker had a video on YouTube.. Let me see if I can find that thread....I'll be back. :driver:

She has some really pretty wigs, and lots of reviews on YouTube if you do a search on Wonderlocks
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Oh god that's awful my :heart2: really gose out to you. Don't worry luv keep your head up til the mean time just give your locks tender loving care. Before you know it this will just be a distant memory:yep:. HTH:grouphug: