Husband Threads: Ladies I Won't Forget My Promises to Post


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Hi Angels:

I have much to share about marriages. Because I have a wedding tonight and classes tomorrow, I may not be here on the forum to continue the posts, I've promised. I just wanted to let you know and that there is much more to look forward to. I'll be back to post as soon as I can.

This very night I am playing a big part in the wedding of one of my dearest friends and sisters in Christ. She is one of the FRUITS of this ministry gift that God has me in. It's a powerful testimony, that I will share someday.

This is surely HIS glory, not mine. I am just so humbled that God can use me to bless others.

Love to all...please don't let go of your faith. ;) For God is faithful that promised. He didn't give up on the cross, how much more will He continue to not give up on us. Let's not give up on Him.

Stay in faith. As you know, I am a 'fighter', and in prayer, I pray and fight for you ladies each day. And I fight and pray to win, no matter what. You're just that dear to my heart. :kiss:

I'll be back soon...