I gave in again...


With Love & Silk
Actually, it wasn't me. There is an evil PJ twin that lives deep within me
She goes & buys hair products without my knowing. Well, she did this yesterday. I blacked out & the next thing I knew was that I had really soft, silky, really moisturized hair. So, I decided to search the apartment for unfamiliar/new products to see what she could have bought to make my hair like this.

Get this! This girl purchased some Deep Brilliance products. She got the moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, & leave-in. So I decided to go ahead and read the ingredients. Oh so impressive

I do appreciate the fact that she was decent enough to sit me under the hooded dryer for about 20 minutes instead of lettingme air-dry the entire time. She saved me from catching a cold.

Oh, and she said she knows some of you guys' evil PJ twins too
Hahahahahaha!!! Too funny!!! But your Evil PJ alter ego is doing a great job with your hair so she's not all bad!!! Tee Hee!!! :)

Can you believe this? My hair doesn't like LUST


Yes, I (well, the evil PJ)lathered once with the shampoo, the used the conditioner as directed (5 minutes--very detangling) & then the leave-in. I sat under the dryer for about 20 minutes so that my hair wouldn't be soaking. Around this time of year, I am taking a big risk by air-drying completely(cold & flu season) so this really helps out. Then, I sprayed it with Elucence serious shining spray, let it hang for about another hour. Then I did the 2-sided wrap, pinned it, tied my scarf on, and went to bed
Wow! A PJ blackout!
You know, Supergirl, not to be all up in your business or anything, but blackouts are considered a progression in the disease of addiction.
Of course, ahem, I uh only know that from ...er...uh... reading about it.

Please check out Elucence's Moisture Acidifying Shampoo one of these days.
(Or at least have your alter ego try it out.) So far, I've been using it twice a week (I only got it too weeks ago), but my hair feels clean yet moisturized without being coated. It's supposed to detangle too but I haven't really noticed - I don't really rely on shampoos for that function. At least I haven't found it adds tangles (like some shampoos have).
I hope this was a better product review. I'm not as skilled at it as some of the other LHCF ladies.
Hey Ny,

Like I told you in the other thread--you ain't said nothin' but a word.
I love Elucence products anyway. Shoot, I pay their light bill when I order