i got a new camera...


New Member
SO got me a real digital camera! :woot: and it has video recording capabilites. it's on and poppin now ladies... now i will have videos in my Fotki of EVERYTHING i do with my hair! :spinning:

i know this post is pointless but i had to share it with SOMEBODY, LOL :lachen:

*okay i did post a pic ladies... scroll down...
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take a random pic and post it here. and voila, thread no longer pointless. :Flahsssss

LOL sorry ladies what's wrong with me? :look:

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Gorgeous Gorgeous!!! You have a beautiful curl pattern. :) And you are a very nice person, that's always a major plus. :) Thanks for those great hair tips.
Congrats girl! I was happy when I finally got my own diggy cam and then when I upgraded I was even happier! So I know the feeling! What type of camera did you get?
I KNEW I shoulda got me a Nikon Coolpix. That's a good picture. My ole busted Canon never gives me a shot like that. ole busted no good . . .

Oh, your hair is pretty, btw. do you henna?
Beautiful!!! Girl I'd be snapping photos left and right with that head of hair!! ...but I'd give it right back to you when it came down to detangeling it lol! :grin:

I KNEW I shoulda got me a Nikon Coolpix. That's a good picture. My ole busted Canon never gives me a shot like that. ole busted no good . . .

Oh, your hair is pretty, btw. do you henna?

i henna'd one time. i did like it, but it was time-consuming. :ohwell: i've been doing eggs and mayo for the longest, just this past month i started adding SAA to my conditioner.

Beautiful!!! Girl I'd be snapping photos left and right with that head of hair!! ...but I'd give it right back to you when it came down to detangeling it lol! :grin:

you already know! :lachen: i've always admired your hair too... looks lovely since texlaxing too, still healthy and thick. :yep: