Im making a vow


New Member
Im making a vow that I will be only rollersetting my hair from now on NO MORE BLOWDRYING once a week (hopefully). Ladies I will need your support. But question whats the diff. betwn the ladies who straighten there roots w/a dryer after a rollerset and who straighten their roots w/ceremics after a rollerset? Plz explain TIA and others please send your support as well.
i don't think it maks a difference if you're blow-drying the roots or flat-ironing as long as you're using a really good heat protectant.

i would think that you'd have less damage with the flat iron though. if we're just talking about straightening the roots to blow-dry straighten roots after a rollerset you are usually using a round bristle brush to pull the hair taut and on top of that applying your heat from the dryer; with the flat iron you're just running it through