i'm transitioning & i feel like perming again :(


New Member
I'm having a problem with my new growth.
I washed my hair this morning and my new growth was so thick and hard to comb through. I tried blow drying it but the blow dryer comb couldnt get through the new growth, so i flatiron it thinking i would be able to comb it. It was straight but still hard to comb through, so I had to flatiron my new growth to get it straight, then I had to blow dry it so i would be able to comb it. I don't think I can deal with this.

any thing that can help this new growth, it is just too much for me to deal with. I can't even handle seven months of new growth i don't know if im going to be able to deal with a whole head of natural hair.:nono:
I really feel your pain, I remember how it used to be when I was natural. My hair tangles a lot as well, I could never retain length because I could barely handle the painful tangles and the knots:nono:. But if you really want to be natural, don't give it up yet. I am sure there's a solution out there for you. Have you ever tried Sareca's oil rinsing technique, I am currently strectching and that really helps to detangle under the shower. Please give it a try before you lose all your effort...

Good luck...:perplexed
You should try using a coconut milk and lime mixture or yogurt mix to soften your new growth. These should help. I'll try to find the links to those threads fo you.
You are combing it dry? I would try combing and detangling only while wet with lots of conditioner. That way when it's dry all the tangles are gone. Then it will be relatively easy to flat-iron and straighten. Tons of naturals on this board have different ways of combating the issues you are talking about in their fotki's. LadyLibra, LadyKPC(NY) she has great you tubes too, Pinkskates, and southerntease. Also many ladies have regimens of how they handled their hair while transitioning in their fotkis. I personally do not comb my hair dry - for me the two textures fight too much when they are dry. Then again I also don't straighten my hair either. Hopefully some others can chyme in with advice. Don't give up yet if you can but ultimately do what you want to be happy :yep:. Lol - I just had a nightmare that I relaxed my hair last night and woke up like oh thank god it's just a dream :lachen:.
I was natural for about 5 years until i decided to relax again. Natural is not for everyone, but I am glad I did go natural for awhile. However, you have to treat your hair completly different then if you would if you were relax. You should try the coconut milk and lime recipe as natural relaxer. It helps loosen up your curls. Also, you want to make sure that your hair is mosturized. I would suggest doing co-washes or either oil rinses. Good luck, and dont get frustrated. Once you learn yor hair and develope a routine it will get alot easier.
IMO it is actually easier to deal with an entire head of curls vs. a few inches of new growth. That was the hardest part for me.
My suggestion is to keep it conditioned and moisturized very well. Braids, braid/twist outs will help you get past the transitioning stage easier and will take your mind off of it. When ever I felt like going back I just put it in some kind of style where I didn't have to mess with my hair.
thank you every one so much :yep:
platinum, i'm going to read those post and see which one works best for me.
Try using Coconut oil on the ng as you detangle your wet hair.

You said it right there..if it hadn't been for my Alter Ego coconut and coconut oil to seal I never would have taken the plunge to quit the relaxer..it helps so much at 10 weeks post..I'm praying the product continues to ease the transition. I look at this photo of my afro years ago, study the texture and think.."Why not?"


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