Is Deep Conditioning MANDATORY (???)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Do you personally think it's mandatory to deep condition (with or without heat) your hair? Why?

If you don't deep condition your hair or know someone that doesn't...

1. how's the condition of your/her hair?
2. how long is your/her hair?
3. why do you go without conditioning your hair?

:scratchch ...just wondering...mainly b/c before I joined the forum, I never deep conditioned in my life and my hair still thrived! :weird:
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I would have to say yes, for me. I use Keraphix weekly. I also just bought Ion protein/moisturizing combo. My hair was really soft after using these two products followed by a deep condition.
I read that weekly deep conditioning is necessary for relaxed hair. I am not sure for natural hair.
I don't deep condition my hair at all (as it sit under the dryer or leave the conditioner in my hair for a long period of time). It takes too much effort, and when I was doing it weekly it made my hair mushy, it wouldn't hold a style. I'll probably try to incorporate some kind of monthly deep conditioning at some point though, but IDK when that will be. The condition of my hair is fine. It could be better, but it could always be better. It's not below b/s.
My hair tends to be dry so I work extra hard to preserve my ends. Personally, I deep condition weekly for a minimum of 20 mins with heat. I wash twice a week so one wash day I use a light protein like Aubury's GPB and the other wash day I use heat and a deep conditioner.

Before LHCF I would only deep conditon every other month. My hair looked like it too. :look:
I don't deep condition my hair. I really don't see the nessessity of it. I didn't see a grand improvement in my hair when I was doing it, so I figured why bother.
I have always conditioned my hair, but not frequent deep conditioning. Since I have been on the Deep Conditioning Challenge, I have noticed my hair looks and feels 50% better than when I didnt. I wish I could take pics! :(
So for my hair, I need to stop being lazy about it and deal with the fact I need to deep condition at least once a week.
lavendarlover said:
I don't deep condition my hair. I really don't see the nessessity of it. I didn't see a grand improvement in my hair when I was doing it, so I figured why bother.
So.... how's your hair? length? condition of it?
Nothing is MANDATORY unless you want to see certain results. I only deep condition under a hooded dryer after touch-ups, because I have to flip my hair over the sink and wash it that way. Its much more convenient to let it hang down and get washed in the shower...therefore I just throw on a plastic cap and towel over that about 4 times per week. Its also easier to comb with it hanging down.

I would say that if you've had good results without it, just do what works for you, but as for me and my hair, we can't live without conditioners :D
Jewell said:
Nothing is MANDATORY unless you want to see certain results. I only deep condition under a hooded dryer after touch-ups, because I have to flip my hair over the sink and wash it that way. Its much more convenient to let it hang down and get washed in the shower...therefore I just throw on a plastic cap and towel over that about 4 times per week. Its also easier to comb with it hanging down.

I would say that if you've had good results without it, just do what works for you, but as for me and my hair, we can't live without conditioners :D
Yeah, I know nothing is mandatory. ;) I'm going to keep deep conditioning for right now, but after I run out of what I have (I don't like to waste products :D ), I will probably not buy another conditioner.
I dont deep condition my hair either, and it is healthy. I wash in the shower and leave my conditioner in for a couple of minutes. The only time it gets done is when I get a relaxer every 10-12 weeks.
I have ALWAYS deep conditioned! I'm transitioning now but when I was relaxed, I deep conditioned every time I washed my hair, which was once a week. I still deep conditioned but I think it's essential for relaxed hair. My hair was close to mid-back at it's longest relaxed. I'm new to the boards and posting in general so I don't have any pics to show.
It's not always necessary to deep condition every week . I always use to deep condition every week until I discovered the instant moisture line. These days I only deep condition every 3 weeks with the instant moisture conditioner.
Poohbear said:
Yeah, I know nothing is mandatory. ;) I'm going to keep deep conditioning for right now, but after I run out of what I have (I don't like to waste products :D ), I will probably not buy another conditioner.
Poohbear, you are going to stop conditioning
mrslee said:
Poohbear, you are going to stop conditioning
Probably. I don't think it's really doing anything for my hair. My hair somewhat feels drier than it used to be before I started deep conditioning back in 2004. It's weird. But I may try another product for deep conditioning in the future.
Conditioners helps to restore hair to its natural state with oils and minerals. The environment and wear and tear breaks down our hair so we need things to help restore what was taken away. :)
If you are going natural...I wouldn't give up conditioning. Maybe you can deep condition once a month or only use rinse out conditioners when you wash, but I would not reccomend washing and not conditioning transitioning hair...sounds like a recipe for DISASTER.

Poohbear said:
Probably. I don't think it's really doing anything for my hair. My hair somewhat feels drier than it used to be before I started deep conditioning back in 2004. It's weird. But I may try another product for deep conditioning in the future.
I think for relaxed hair deep conditioning is necc. Supergirl said that....quote "Technically and officially (according to the hair care industry's definition), deep conditioning means conditioning with a strong protein conditioner (one with a re-structuring protein such as keratin) under the dryer."

I didn't know this but once I started deep conditioning with a protein (not a strong one) but with AO GPB once a month, I actually kept some hair on my head and retained the length. I used to stay away from conditioners with protein because it made my hair too hard. That was until I found AO GPB from the boards.

My hair is almost waistlength.
lkg4healthyhair said:
I read that weekly deep conditioning is necessary for relaxed hair. I am not sure for natural hair.

I agree. I also do a deep conditioning once a week for about 20-25 mintues with a plastic cap on (without/with heat). I use Proclaim cholesterol, Hollywood's Olive Oil Cholesterol, or Mizani MousitureFuse.
Before LHCF I never deep conditioned (and when in braids I didn't condition at all....yeah, I know) but my hair has pretty much always been shoulder-length plus. What has changes is the texture even after only 2 months my hair is more manageable and doesn't feel like straw. I deep condition for 30 minutes (10 of which I spend with a hot towel on my head).
If you're still transitioning , you'll want to keep your hair conditioned, especially if your natural hair and relaxed hair textures are not very similar. Skipping this step could cause some damage to your hair at the demarcation line. The dryness you're experiencing maybe due to some scab hair.
I used to deep condition some months ago but I stopped. I am now realizing that my scalp is kinda dry. So, I'll be deep conditioning again soon.
Thanks for your advice ladies! :yep:

Tai, I forgot about the idea of scab hair. Since I didn't do the big chop, my scab hair is probably at the demarcation line. Since I'm no longer relaxing, I'll keep conditioning my hair. ;)

Honi, I've been thinking about Aubrey Organics GPB ever since I seen Sherrylove use it. I think I stopped thinking about it after seeing the price at the Whole Foods Market. This is the conditioner I will probably use after this LeKair Cholesterol Plus is used up... enough with the cheap stuff. :p
How long do you leave it on your hair???
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I hear ya about the price but it's such a good product though.

AO GPB doesn't give specific directions on how long you should leave it in.

I use with mild heat or without heat for about 15 minutes.
It is my understanding that if one's hair is chemically processed, and/or is styled with heat, then it is a good idea to deep condition weekly to maintain good hair health. I also understand that one should alternate weekly between protein and moisturizing deep conditioning treatments if one's hair is chemically processed.

I think the overall condition of my hair has improved with the use of higher grade conditioners, both rinse out and leave-in, and with more consistent use of conditioners. I am, however, still trying to determine exactly how much protein my hair actually needs. I do a moisturizing deep treatment weekly. I have not been very diligent with the protein treatments, however. I need to do those at least once a month, if not every other week.

I use to think that deep conditioning was mandatory but now i'm having second thoughts just because certain conditioners work better when you leave it in for a few minutes.
I would say it depends. When I had a relaxer, I hardly ever deep conditioned and my hair was fine. Now that I am natural, I deep condition regularly and if I don't my hair gets very dry and crunchy on the ends. My scalp also gets dry and itchy when I don't.

I also agree with what Tai said about transitioners needing to deep condition.

In the end you have to do what works for you :)
Hey I just thought of something you said that your hair feels dry and the deep conditioners don't do anything for you, have you clarified lately? If not try clarifying.
sillygurl18 said:
Hey I just thought of something you said that your hair feels dry and the deep conditioners don't do anything for you, have you clarified lately? If not try clarifying.
I clarify 1-2 times a month! ;)