Is that what it feels like


New Member
I'm sitting here listening to DWayne Wade on the radio talk about how last year they lost and didn't get the ring so they made up in their minds to come back this year and win it. Even this year they were counted out down 2 games to 1 and they had to scrap and claw but they did something that has never been done, win 4 straight and he said it is such a great feeling to have won. He said he can't even decribe the feeling that he feels.

I began to think about the day we get to Heaven. I thought about all the people that counted me out and said I wouldn't make it, all the times I had to scrap in life and come back after being knock down and counted out, But when I see Jesus and get that crown and hear God said well done.

Is that what it will feel like, no words can decribe it such joy to have made it to the ultimate goal and prize. ETERNAL LIFE

I hope this make sense to you all.

Be blessed.