Is there a hair growth limit?


New Member
I have heard SOOO many of my friends say they would love long hair but their hair just doesn't grow past a certain length no matter what they do. I'm trying to grow my hair out so I can't afford to believe that, but anyone else think there may be some truth to that? Does genetics determine how long our hair can be?


Well-Known Member
Some people do believe in terminal length. However, most people that I encounter saying that they want long hair but it won't grow have short hair. Genetics isn't the problem, their techniques are. If your hair has been shoulder length for 15 years, you're doing something very wrong! :lachen:


New Member
There are a couple of posts here discussing terminal length. I don't know what to believe when it comes to that. I know people who say their hair won't grow past a certain length but these people also don't properly care for their hair.

Before finding LHCF, my hair never got past APL. But I was also using heat improperly which caused a lot of damage.

I'll see if I can find the threads on terminal length for you.

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