Just "re-discovered" an oldie but goodie - Hair Mayonnaise


New Member
While at my boyfriends sisters this weekend I about freaked out when I realized I had not broughtr my hair crack or a comparable subsitute.

My bf who is white, sister said she had some conditioners and leave-ins and see if I could find something if not we would go to the store. Both options didnt seem promising as I was in smallville, USA.

Well lo and behold under that sink was some HAIR MAYONNAISE. I used it under my shower cap as a dc and rinsed and then used about a quartersize as a leave in. once my hair dried i re-applied a bit to the ends.

My hair has been going through some changes anyway due to my birth control nightmare its been DRY DRY DRY. This helped and to think its only 4.99.

I used to use this in Highschool 10 years ago, glad I "re-discovered" and can add to my arsenal.