Keeping scalp clean w/ a weave


Well-Known Member
I'm finding hard for me to keep my scalp clean with this weave that I have. If I scratch my scalp, there's dirt underneath my fingernail and I don't know what I need to do to keep it super clean so my hair growth isn't limited. I washed it two days ago, so I don't understand why it's a little dirty now. Help!


New Member
Girl, it's practically impossible from my point of view.

You shoulda saw all the crap that feel off my head when I took mine down yesterday.



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you can do, but try to limit your product usuage. Also when you shampoo and apply it between the partings let it sit a couple of minutes before rinsing. You could also try one of the scalp rinses they make for people with dreads, braids, etc. in between washings. HTH.


Well-Known Member

Thanks! I thought I was the only person who did not know how to keep their scalp super clean w/ a weave.


I have a bottle of waterless shampoo, so I will try that out. Thanks!


New Member
The only time I would have a problem with keeping it clean is when using a bunch of creamy products. Try to keep it simple...shampoo...rinse well, condition...rinse VERY well...
I use CON, Motions conditioner, emergency 911 leave-in, and grease or oil or butter. I only apply the grease 1x/week and the oil or butter as needed and I have no gunk. But really, when you shampoo, condition and whatever else u do in the wash stage, make sure you rinse very well.