Keracare Creme Headdress & Essential Oils Users!!


New Member

i purchased these two yesterday in king size, as i'm reverting to the Keracare Religion for good!!!

I'm saving the headdress for heatsyling...what do you all think of this product? (MaCherieAmour, shuumonnn!)
ALSO the essential oils will take the place of my wonder 8 ginseng oil (for mixing with humecto) Is this oil as good as i've heard? how do you use yours?

I use the oil, it but it in maybe once/twice a week when I comb my hair, it leaves it shiny and soft....
I love the essential oils. I apply this to my hair about 15 min after I moisturize. I find a little goes a long way but it leaves my hair soft and managable.
I love both. They are not currently in my regimen becuase I have so many products to get rid of. But I love BOTH and cant WAIT to buy them after I clean out my closet a bit.

The Essential Oils is really light and smells great. I take two droplets, rub my hands together and apply while my hair is wet when setting. I also use a tiny tiny bit to seal my ends at night:) A little goes a long way:)

The same is true for the headdress. A tiny bit will do ya just fine. I dab my finger in it, rub my hands together and distribute through my hair. Its SUPER light, smells great and always makes my hair feels super moisturized. Its also the only headdress I ever used that does make my hair feel weighed down or greasy. It feels like Im using nothing at all but my hair feels sooo soft. Im buying this in a tub :)

I love all Keracare products. Its my line for life:)
** tempting ladies**
I now use the hydrating poo and humecto every monday !

**off to get the essential oils to go along with them**:lol:
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I recently switched to Affirm. I used Mizani before and found it too harsh. I used Vitale sensitive scalp last time cause they didnt have affirm. It was ok-first perm that didnt burn but....since I use Keracare, I wanted to use the perms made by the same company:) I use super strength. Im a 4ab