Ladies w/ thick hair how do you react when....

My hair isn't that thick in my opinion, but I do get compliments on how thick it is often. I honestly didn't realize how thick my hair really was until after commenting on the thickness, a woman I met a few weeks ago then asked if I was natural and if it was a blow out. It was a bit akward at that point, because not only am I not natural at that point I was only 8 or 9 weeks post, at the most.

I just say thank you and answer most questions with, "You have to find what works for you hair"

Now my DD on the other hand is 11 and she is natural. It urks me when people walk up to her start talking to her about how thick her hair is, it tends to be a bit akward. I have to remind her to say Thank You, to an 11 year old, walking up to her telling her how thick her hair is, is not a compliment. In her mind it's just a statement, but then they want to get into what I'm doing or have done to make her thickness happen. And they get the same answer I give to everyone else, "You have to find what works best for you." But, mostly we say thank you and try to keep it moving.
Me too. I honestly am not happy with all the thickness of my hair. (BKT did reduce the bulk however, another story).

When I was growing up my mother slapped a relaxer in my hair because of all the work it took to press and style. Stylists hated working on my hair and I always walked out looking like I had a bad wig on my head:nono:.

I eventually found the dominican salons that knew how to work on my head. Honestly only one woman had my hair looking fly. After transitioning for however many months I was, and I walked into that salon and she was gone.....I chopped my hair all off. Pulling it into a puff was a signature style hiding the bulkiness. Now I've found BKT so I rock my hair however I choose.

It took me 1 time to try the Dominicans and I was highly disappointed. I walked out of there with a freakin bouffant!! I just cried in the car on the phone with my mom.....:lachen:It was like a flashback from the 1950's and I was only in my 20's.... I'll almost excuse the fact that I was the last one in there and they were trying to go home, but really...a bouffant?!! She didn't even get my roots straight!!!
when I get in this at the dominican salon they are not happy while saying it
but when it's blown out and my hair is finished they compliment it sometimes

To be honest, I admire thin hair. I see some self relaxing and flat ironing videos on YT and some of these women can get done relatively fast and I am truly hair is so ridiculously dense
it gets tiresome when I break yet another ponytail holder from trying to loop it around more than once.[/QUOTE]

I've lost many of hairpins, popped many of hand bands, rubberbands....and now that I am transitioning, it can still get frustrating. I'm still trying not to lose an eyeball.:ohwell:
It's only awkward when they ask how I got it that way. It seems rude to reply "genetics" when I know they're looking for a product recommendation.

The only ones who go on and on about it are female relatives who still rave about how thick, jet black, and long my hair was as a newborn.

In general, I love my thick hair, but it gets tiresome when I break yet another ponytail holder from trying to loop it around more than once.

Whoo, I miss those days! Hopefully that will be a problem I will start dealing with again in the future :D
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As long as its not another bleeping stylist trying to charge me more because of its thickness it's all gravy.
I just say thanks and stay away from hairstylists as much as possible. They always start the process by saying I have THICK hair and then start to get annoyed by how long its taking them. What can I say! I have thick hair and I LOVE it!
Woooo, chile you sure have some thick hair! :grin::grin:

It's only awkward when they ask how I got it that way. It seems rude to reply "genetics" when I know they're looking for a product recommendation.

The only ones who go on and on about it are female relatives who still rave about how thick, jet black, and long my hair was as a newborn.

In general, I love my thick hair, but it gets tiresome when I break yet another ponytail holder from trying to loop it around more than once.
it gets tiresome when I break yet another ponytail holder from trying to loop it around more than once.

I've lost many of hairpins, popped many of hand bands, rubberbands....and now that I am transitioning, it can still get frustrating. I'm still trying not to lose an eyeball.:ohwell:[/QUOTE]

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Not to mention the endless combs that have been broken....:look: That's probably why I got charged extra at the hair salon!!
Most people say it as a compliment, so I say thank you and KIM.

It's funny I saw this thread because last night my SIL came over for dinner with her boyfriend. She was showing off her new layered haircut. She said she liked how much volume it gave her hair. Then she started talking about how thick and long my hair is. She's got really thin type 2 APL hair and is always complaining about how her hair has not body and is soo thin and how she's got only like a 1/4 of the hair I have. She offered to put my hair into a braid (mind you, I have a 2 day-old braid out that is super tangled). and After she actually put her hands in my hair and realized how tangled it was, she decided not to braid it anymore. This is what she said, "have you ever considered thinning your hair out when you get a hair cut? That would make things easier".:wallbash: I was like WTF? Why on Earth would I do that? I think SIL was suffering from a case of hateration... You know next time I see her I'm going to be swanging that TOO thick TOO long hair in her face to remind her... :)
I usually get this when I'm at the salon and they have just realized that my hair will take a little longer to do :( Usually it's said with a look of defeat.

they wouldn't be lookin crazy at a thick head of hair if they didn't overbook and try to squeeze in so many people in a day. :lol:
I've lost many of hairpins, popped many of hand bands, rubberbands....and now that I am transitioning, it can still get frustrating. I'm still trying not to lose an eyeball.:ohwell:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Not to mention the endless combs that have been broken....:look: That's probably why I got charged extra at the hair salon!![/QUOTE]

Speaking of popping ponytail holders and losing bobby pins...i need to restock on these items.

Don't you hate when you get a new ouchless ponytailer and after you use it the first time...its all stretched out and loses its elastisity...or how when you use a brand new bobby pin it gets all bent out of shape and its useless?:perplexed

Is there any way i can repair bent up bobby to make them tight again??
Definately a compliment, what I don't take as a compliment however is when people say 'wow it's actually soft' when they touch it, like they were expecting barbed wire lol
She offered to put my hair into a braid (mind you, I have a 2 day-old braid out that is super tangled). and After she actually put her hands in my hair and realized how tangled it was, she decided not to braid it anymore. This is what she said, "have you ever considered thinning your hair out when you get a hair cut? That would make things easier".:wallbash:

Say what??! Honey, please! I'll "suffer" with my hair's thickness any day of the week. You should have given her recommendations on volumizing/ thickening products. :lachen:
I feel a bit strange/akward because i don't feel that my hair is really thick. So I say thank you but then of course i feel compelled to say that it really isn't that thick though :rolleyes:
It's a compliment because not every one has thick and it is coveted. Just smile and keep moving in silence. BTW I have some of the thickest hair the world have every seen
I just say thanks and stay away from hairstylists as much as possible. They always start the process by saying I have THICK hair and then start to get annoyed by how long its taking them. What can I say! I have thick hair and I LOVE it!

This is my experience as well with stylists. Even when I used to get braids, the braider would be complaining the whole time:look:
it is definately not always a compliment. actually the majority of the time people say it to me it is not meant in a complimentary way. i do get a lot of compliments on my hair, but theyre usually just "oh i love your hair, or your hair is so pretty". when people say "OMG! your hair is so thick." its usually because i asked them to do something to it for me and they dont want to lol or they're just not used to seeing hair as thick as mine. actually, i've only come into contact with 3 people with thicker hair than me

i have to avoid letting other people do my hair cause they frequently burn me on purpose or sigh after getting 1/2 way done.

if i had less thickness that would be such a blessing. im getting real tired of breaking hair ties and clips and not even being able to get my hair lying flat against my head under straight weaves and my hair's not even long yet *smh*

dont wanna complain just had to get that off my chest lol
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I take it as a HUGE compliment.

ETA: @ the comments about the stylists - that is why I wore layers for years. I'm still growing some of my layers out. Stylists always say "Your hair is so thick. Let's give it some layers for body and movement." :rolleyes: Sometimes I do like my layers, though :drunk:.
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:lachen::lachen::lachen:Not to mention the endless combs that have been broken....:look: That's probably why I got charged extra at the hair salon!!

Speaking of popping ponytail holders and losing bobby pins...i need to restock on these items.

Don't you hate when you get a new ouchless ponytailer and after you use it the first time...its all stretched out and loses its elastisity...or how when you use a brand new bobby pin it gets all bent out of shape and its useless?:perplexed

those ouchless ponytail holders are a joke to us then, especially when they get that funny overstretched area just praying to hold on! just let the hair pins go darling! you can always restock on those ouchless bad boys at Walgreens now for a buck. I think some of us truly need to invest in safety eye goggles when doing our hair. for our own safety and anyone within maybe a 30ft radius!!:lachen:
I don't mind people telling me they like my thick hair. I just would get mad when I wore my hair straight and I was not even shoulder length and people would weave check me.:ohwell::nono::perplexed
i used to hear that all the time when i was younger. i had soooooo much hair!

i would hear it as a compliment and as a negative "whoa child your hair is too darn thick! how many combs you break a week?"

in fact the part of the reason i stayed going natural (i say stayed because the start was an accident lol) was because i missed my thickness. unfortunately it appears that my thickness must have changed with age or it was permanently altered by the relaxers cause my hair isnt even half as thick as it used to be :(
This: I've been thinking about this for awhile. When I was younger I was always told how thick my hair is. Now it's so fine I can only contribute it to overprocessing it with relaxers for years. I try not to think about it and hope that love will bring back it's thickness.

I think when this is said it is usually said as a compliment. I love thick hair. ALOT. I love Mizz Brit's hair. It's sooo thick and lush. I find myself comparing my hair to others and getting discouraged. Thick is always the way to be.

Some people of other ethnicities do thin their hair out. They even have thinning shears. They must have been taught that it's a bad thing as well, although I think some thin their hair out for preference. All that hair can get pretty hot on the neck, especially during the summer. If you have thick hair you are blessed, be grateful.