LHCF's Person of the year make your nominations

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Hairgasm said:
In all seriousness, EVERYONE contributes to making this forum the way it is.

LHCF is a *wee* bit uptight, clique-ish, nice-girlish and polite instead of real at times, but it's all good. We need a li'l bit of everything up in this pot. I'm friends with some of y'all IRL (in real life), and think you're all interesting in your own way.

I think we all have moments when we shine and other times when we want to say GTFOHWTB to each other (except to me, ha!), but whatever.

Now having said that, I'll just take this here Oscar real easy-like... :sekret:
I wanted to clarify something. I don't have a problem with this thread per se. BUT, when we constantly have these types of shout outs and the same people are always shouted out, it's like damn. There are a ton of women here with beautiful heads of hair (myself included..sniff). I don't think there needs to be a "person of the year".

I think I am just overly sensitive today after my daughter told me she didn't want the damn $70 doll I bought her for Christmas :lachen:

Ok, back to your nominations :lol:
This is haaaaaaaaaaaard. There are so many great ladies on the board. Yet, I'm going to have to go with Macherieamour...of course her hair is gorgeous, but she's also really humble and willing to share advice and experience both on the board and off via pms and email. So for all her help to me personal and just for being one of the icons on the board, I nominate her.

But isis babygurl lauryn450 chicoro and on and on and on ...y'all are so wonderful too! It's hard to choose.

*Bre~Bre* said:
I don't mean to sound so abrupt but I really dislike these types of threads. It's kind of like a slap in the face for all the un recognized/unpopular women on this board. I think there are a ton of women here that are fantastic! Let's just keep it at that. :perplexed

i guess you don't like the "feature of the month" either huh?

eta - how about shoutouts? do those make you feel the same way?
I don't see anything wrong with it .....the people chosen are KNOWN b/c they are vocal and help people on the board.
Nope, I think they are great as I am always looking to learn from feature of the month. And when I notice shout outs, if the persons hair/attitude is banging I give them recognition and respect.
DSylla said:
i guess you don't like the "feature of the month" either huh?

eta - how about shoutouts? do those make you feel the same way?
*Bre~Bre* said:
Nope, I think they are great as I am always looking to learn from feature of the month. And when I notice shout outs, if the persons hair/attitude is banging I give them recognition and respect.

i'm curious... how is this different?
:orders: *Gathering everyone to hold hands and sing the Barney song* It's Christmas, ladies :santa:! (Which is why I'm staying neutral in this one :antlers: !)
I have no problems at all with this type of thread. Its rare I get any feedback to my posts and I feel the fact that I don't post pics is the reason for this.

Yet there are those that stand out and really help those in need (pic or no pic). When no one else will pay attention there is that one person that will!

Isis is where my vote is at!

Feature of the month is chose by the mods right? Also, I think shout outs are just that..a shout out to give someone props. Why does there need to be a "person of the year"? In any event, please see comment 33 where I did some clarification. Does that clear it up?
DSylla said:
i'm curious... how is this different?
*Bre~Bre* said:
I wanted to clarify something. I don't have a problem with this thread per se. BUT, when we constantly have these types of shout outs and the same people are always shouted out, it's like damn. There are a ton of women here with beautiful heads of hair (myself included..sniff). I don't think there needs to be a "person of the year".

I think I am just overly sensitive today after my daughter told me she didn't want the damn $70 doll I bought her for Christmas :lachen:

Ok, back to your nominations :lol:

I do agree with you. Other members can nominate if they want to but to me,to pick one person is to minimize what some others have contributed. I look to different members for different issues. I never cared about feature of the month. I never thought that the articles provide me with anything I couldn't get by just reading the board, among other things.
Because you think I'm mad??? I hope thats not the impression I give. Just putting my feelings out there. Alot don't agree with me and that's their right as well. Things I think/feel are not always with the norm of this board but such is life. Didn't mean to hijack the thread just wanted to put in my two pennies.
Talipoohz_Momma said:
:orders: *Gathering everyone to hold hands and sing the Barney song* It's Christmas, ladies :santa:! (Which is why I'm staying neutral in this one :antlers: !)
Seems like we have shifted wayyyy to the left. Folks can't say anything for fear of not mentioning someone else. To each their own I guess. Yeah...we need to nix the whole FOTM, shout outs and all that...its too exclusionary. I didn't even think this thread was about who has beautiful hair, I read it as who has been helpful which would explain my earlier comment....maybe I misread.
*Bre~Bre* said:
Feature of the month is chose by the mods right? Also, I think shout outs are just that..a shout out to give someone props. Why does there need to be a "person of the year"? In any event, please see comment 33 where I did some clarification. Does that clear it up?

there's a "who would you like to meet", and an "i'd like to give a thank you to" thread. this is just another UNofficial thread paying homage to some of the lovely ladies here started by a member.

i think it's great that we, the members, get to choose who we admire.

what's so wrong with that???

anyway, OP, i apologize for hijacking your thread. this was a nice thought and i'm sorry that others didn't feel the same way.
I haven't been posting for that long, but I have been lurking from time to time for almost a year now. I usually didn't look at screen names while reading posts, so I don't know who's doing what. I do know that kinikakes, I believe that's her screen name is such a beautiful person. She gave me some encouraging words on my fotki when I first started out.

Sistaslick was another person that was so helpful in a lot of ways. Now that I have gotten a chance to pay more attention to screen names, I'm seeing so many wonderful ladies that are happy to help like Nice & wavy, Letitia and so many others.

So yeah I do agree with some of the other posters, there's too many to list and it's hard to narrow it down to one person:)
I think that is great. It is all great and good.
DSylla said:
there's a "who would you like to meet", and an "i'd like to give a thank you to" thread. this is just another UNofficial thread paying homage to some of the lovely ladies here started by a member.

i think it's great that we, the members, get to choose who we admire.

what's so wrong with that???

anyway, OP, i apologize for hijacking your thread. this was a nice thought and i'm sorry that others didn't feel the same way.
Most ladies on here have been very helpful to me with tips and such...and a few (not many) haven't been that welcoming or forthcoming. that's okay though..

So many ladies..I agree with Isis as a pick for overall hair and health tips but there's many that i could mention as well.
  • Kinikakes
  • ambitious1013 (?)
  • babygurl
  • anky
  • tsmith
  • armyqt
  • victorious
  • etc etc...I've learned alot from everyone!
Sweet Mercy this is hard but I say:

  • Isis
(I love her hair and her positive vibe and wellness tips)
  • Sylver2
(Totally unselfish with the fotki and gives great advice and has beautiful hair)
  • Honeylemondrop
(Somehow I was searching Google on hair tips and I found her journal. I was instantly hooked on her hair and LHCF)
tsmith said:
I can't pick just one because their are too many beautiful heads on this board in all length. I have a favorite for natural hair, short hair, shoulder length hair, thickeness, apl, brastrap, midback, and so on. I have too many favorites so I cannot choose:) It's too many on here:p

I agree!!!!!!! It would be toooooo hard for me to pick one.:) And I think that's a great testimony to how wonderful this place is.
nubianqt86 said:
I like all the ladis here, but I have found camellia, bubln, and so1913 to be the most helpful for me and my hair. My idols...

DITTO DITTO DITTO....though the first person that came to my mind was SO1913!
patient1 said:
The board celebrities KNOW who they are.:) For the sake of the un or undercelebrated, I'm gonna send some love to the entire sisterhood!

Lots of love and blessings overflowing in the new year!


Well said patient1, my sentiments as well!
I've been helped and inspired by so many on this board I can't begin to testify 'cause we would be up in this thread ALLLLL DAY!
:dance7: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
*Bre~Bre* said:
I don't mean to sound so abrupt but I really dislike these types of threads. It's kind of like a slap in the face for all the un recognized/unpopular women on this board. I think there are a ton of women here that are fantastic! Let's just keep it at that. :perplexed

Bre Bre, Thank you so much for saying this, each time I see a thread like this i usually avoid it, because I always feel like it is a popularity contest. There are so many amazing women here, it seems unfair to single only some of them out. Feels like a high school popularity contest or something. :ohwell:
I have to say that so many people have helped me on this board and I am still learning from so many of you. Naturally there are those who have been extremely helpful, vocal and inspiring. Isis, Sylver2, SerenityBreeze have all given of their time to answer my questions amongst the many other questions that they must get from so many other people and so I would vote for these girls for this year.

I have recently just discovered DSylla, and I am so so in love with her hair and fotki, which I have found so informative. We will always be continually discovering people who inspire us, especially if they devote a lot of their time and effort to this board.

I can see how some may feel that they aren't being recognised, but we shouldn't take it personally or negatively. You don't know who may have been inspired by your one post that you posted back in July, and this is what is important to all those who are watching. This must be my 6th post!

Also its gonna take time for us to get to know each other and this is a natural process.

I wanted to pick one person but I just couldn't so I'm just going to applaud all of you ladies for your encouragement, friendship, opinions, tips, kindness, etc. If I could bundle Kinicakes, Sareca, VW Vixxen, DSD, Southergirl, Sistaslick, and soooo many others into one then I would have my person of the year.