Models Needed for Natural Hair Showcase


Well-Known Member

The Nywele 2003 Natural Hair Showcase will take place on Sunday June 1st at the Howard University Blackburn Center. We are currently recruiting models of all ages and sizes to participate in the Showcase. Each model will have their hair styled by one of our participating natural hair experts and will display the hairstyle on the runway in a creative Showcase scene.

There will be a model call/audition at Howard University on Wednesday May 7th. Interested persons should go to the information desk at Blackburn Center at 7:30 PM and ask for the “Natural Hair Models”. They will tell you which room we’re in. Models may arrive at any time between 7:30 and 8:30. Women, please bring or wear shoes that have at least an inch heel on them. No rubber soled shoes for men or women. Also, please do not wear hats or hair coverings.

The Nywele Natural Hair Showcase was created to help remove the obstacles that keep Black women from wearing their hair naturally. When we say “natural” we mean “without chemical straighteners”. Our two hour Showcase presents over 50 natural hairstyles created by experienced natural hair experts from DC, MD and VA. Attendees can receive expert hair care advice from any of the Nywele stylists.

We also feature fashions by cultural designers from around the area. There is poetry, dance and music throughout the show. This year’s Showcase will include a salute to the people and culture of Bahia Brazil and also a tribute to the legendary Nina Simone. Nywele 2003 promises to be an enlightening tribute to African American beauty, pride and adornment.

For additional information, please call (202) 667-1196.
How nice!! It would be great to have some of the naturals from here in that show.