MTG Update


New Member
Okay I don't have picsso stop fussingme out :hide:. I have pics from 12/07 but I don't have a digital camera. I have them all on a throw away camera & pics. If someone can tell me how I can get them downloaded I will post. My scanner says the pics must be in jpeg and that they r 2 big but it takes other stuff just not the photos so anyone help I will get my pics up.

Anywho, I have had my hair cornrowed 4 about 1 1/2 wks & I was using my MTG 4x a week. Well I took my cornrows down 2dy bx of itchy scalp & dandruff. My hair is much thicker and I have about 1/3 inch of new growth:yay:. The 1st wk I used MTG 3x wk 2nd wk 4x wk this is my 3rd wk and I am sticking with the following regi:
MTG 3x wk on wash day
Wash 3x wk with Keracare 1st lather, shampoo n humecto condish
2x mth Aphogee shampoo, 2min reconstructor, QH Cholestoral condish, & oil.
D/C QH cholestoral condish 2x wkly.

This has wked 4 me. I have always had fine hair, but since coming here & taking care of my hair & using MTG my hair is thicker & also since cutting out my relaxer from 4wks 2 5 months. I am going 2 try and relax again on my b-day 12/05. Thxs ladys I will keep u posted.

IF there r anymore MTG reviews, updates or suggestions please post.