my ACV~ kinda long


New Member
I heard so much about this and with the baggy method that I am now using I figured that it would be a good thing to try it out and see how it worked. I also changed my shampoo because I figure that the one I had was not conditioning enough.

So I used Motions Conditioning shampoo
The ACV mixed with distilled water
Rainwater/T Tree Oil Conditioner
Motions Protein Reconstructor
cholestoral deep conditioner
Panteau Tea Tree Leave In conditioner
~air dry~
baggy method

I have to say that up until I put my leave in conditioner in my head I was worried. My hair felt different after the clarifying wash but it felt lighter and less weighed down. I was worried though because of the tangles that I felt coming on. It felt dry and just not like my normal wash. But after I put the conditioner on it felt wonderful!!!!! Probably just needed more moisture...After the air dry it was so soft and glorious and I know that this baggy treatment is working.

So ladies, I say all this to say Thank you for helping me with all the advice that has been given and for making me a believer that if I try something my hair won't let me down. Im going to be watching it this week to ensure that everything is A-ok but usually my hair lets me know instantly if something is up!

Just wanted to share my first ACV experience:D