My Hair Saved Me!!!


Well-Known Member
When I started my HHJ back in early Oct I was going through a really bad break-up with my ex. The following few weeks were very difficult for me and I needed an outlet to take my mind off of everything that was going on at that particular time, that’s when I became totally engrossed in my hair care journey. I became excited to end each day because I knew my hair was growing and it was getting stronger. My mind was occupied by regimens, conditioner concoctions, and length checks…I was no longer crying at night…instead I was drifting to sleep with thoughts of WL and beyond hair. Today, I look forward to wash day…it’s my therapy.
How about you guys…have you ever gone through something emotional and your hair care journey totally took your mind off of it until it passed?
When I started my HHJ back in early Oct I was going through a really bad break-up with my ex. The following few weeks were very difficult for me and I needed an outlet to take my mind off of everything that was going on at that particular time, that’s when I became totally engrossed in my hair care journey. I became excited to end each day because I knew my hair was growing and it was getting stronger. My mind was occupied by regimens, conditioner concoctions, and length checks…I was no longer crying at night…instead I was drifting to sleep with thoughts of WL and beyond hair. Today, I look forward to wash day…it’s my therapy.
How about you guys…have you ever gone through something emotional and your hair care journey totally took your mind off of it until it passed?

I like this! lol...all i can say is that doing my hair was always the perfect excuse to procrastinate on doing my homework back in my college days :)
When I started my HHJ back in early Oct I was going through a really bad break-up with my ex. The following few weeks were very difficult for me and I needed an outlet to take my mind off of everything that was going on at that particular time, that’s when I became totally engrossed in my hair care journey. I became excited to end each day because I knew my hair was growing and it was getting stronger. My mind was occupied by regimens, conditioner concoctions, and length checks…I was no longer crying at night…instead I was drifting to sleep with thoughts of WL and beyond hair. Today, I look forward to wash day…it’s my therapy.
How about you guys…have you ever gone through something emotional and your hair care journey totally took your mind off of it until it passed?

I like this! lol...all i can say is that doing my hair was always the perfect excuse to procrastinate on doing my homework back in my college days :)
I think I'm on the same road u were. I'm going through a really bad break up too. So especialy for the new year my hair is gonna be like therapy for me. Some people over eat or under eat, some people shop, heck some people become alcoholics or drug addicts because of a bad break up. I just wanna focus on my hair. Its a healthy obession in my eyes.
You can totally lose track of time when your moisturizing and sealing…while singing at the top of your lungs to your iPod
I think that a lot of girls in here can relate to you. I know I can. This hair care journey is such a postive and inspirational journey you forget about anything negative going on in your life and you work on building yourself up. Time slips away like crazy when im on LHCF. I am so happy to have found it.
Nice thread!
When my grandmother passed away in 2008 I was devastated to say the least. Doing my hair became an outlet for me. It's very therapeutic for me. My heart is still broken but I can at least keep myself occupied with my hair.

While I was studying for my final exams last month I would deep condition to help me study LMAO
I love doing my hair when I'm stressed out. It really does help. My hair gets a lot of attention during exam time or when I have lots of assigments due. I'll pretty much wash my hair every other day around that time. I never thought of it as therapy until yesterday when I watched NaturalBells' vid: Hair Therapy. It works for me without being too much of a distraction from school work, since it can take less than half an hour.
I use my hair as therapy! My family are going through some tough times at the moment and my Dad sometimes loses faith. But I carry on praying, believing and taking care of my hair.
Knowing that my hair is flourishing and that God - who answered my prayers on how to grow my hair to waist length (I prayed that for 2 years in a row without a clue- lol!)- and showed me LHCF, BHM and KISS, will help us through.
My mom keeps marveling that I'm still so into my hair! :)
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I can most definitely relate to your story—that’s exactly how my hair journey started. I now use it as my emotional outlet whenever I’m sad or stressed. It's the best form of therapy!
Yes, hair care can be therapeutic. I was laid off from work for most of 2009, so maintaining my hair reggie truly kept me in a familiar routine. I enjoyed the fact that I could still take care of that part of my life and see the fruits of it while I was constantly dealing with the uncertainty of the job market.

When I finally got my job at the end of '09, I was happy that I continued my reggie because it felt good to be able to wear my hair out and see it so full and healthy. It would have been very disappointing to me if I had stopped caring for my hair and had a setback as a result. I am so grateful for everything these days; it's funny how tough times can make you feel that way. :)
This is me! Going through (well not really anymore, just trying to move past it) a break-up and hair (care) is the only thing that keeps me sane some days!
What a wonderful story and thread :yep:

During the end of my 6 month stretch i began to see my hair as a chore but now that it's freshly texlaxed i'm rediscovering how therapeutic moisturizing and sealing can be. Gonna take that some positivity with me into wash day.
OMG! Thats my same story! I was going through a terrible break up. And my gf said I need to find a hobby, and I found this site. Soo growing my hair has become my new hobby!