NATURALS: best straightening techniques..

Best way you straighten your natural hair?

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Hey ladies...

I have a big problem straightening my hair as a 4a/b natural...I've tried rollersetting and flat ironig and it results in a dry mess....
I've tried air drying and flat ironing (even worse)..very siff and dry looking
I've tried investing in an Instyler and my hair results the same

I just can't figure it out.
How can I get straight, bouncy ,swanging hair?
What are your techniques in achieving this without the puffiness, and stiffness?:ohwell:

also what products do you use?
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I voted for airdry and other. I usually airdry in 8 braids with Redken Anti-Snap as my leave in. Then I flat iron the next day, 2 passes @395 F with a dab of grease (prior to grease I was using Sabino Moisture Block but it did not prevent reversion). At the salon, my stylist blowdries and then flat irons. Either way, my hair comes out swangy but it is bouncier at the salon. She uses a spray leave-in.
You probably just need to use more heat. I have to blowdry, press, then flat iron (on high heat) to get the results I want, and no heat damage so far. Heat is gets a bad wrap here, but to get the look you want, you're gonna need more heat that is the reality. As long as you use a heat protectant and up your protein treatments, your hair should be fine.

For me, all of those options do not matter when your hair is not properly moisturized prior to.

Moisturized hair also will not seek moisture from the environment and FRIZZ into a poof ball.

Butrsoft - Thanks for posting my tutorial :)
You're welcome. It is my favorite so I thank you for making it :grin:. I was being a little impulsive so I will ask permission next time :yep:
I recently got my hair flatironed for the first time in 7ish months.
I shampooed, then DC'd. On 'naked' hair I applied Aphogee green tea/keratin reconstuctor until eac. section was damp..then detangled. let that airdry before flatirioning.
It turned out *really* well, and now that I've washed, I see I didn't get any damage. I'll post pics for a topic soon.
DC blowdry and flatiron.
I tried air drying and my hair just knotted up at the ends in rollers, braids, and curlformers.
I oil rinse, co wash, blow dry, & use the comb chase method. It was the only time I successfully straightened my hair.
I wash, deep condition, and either rollerset and flatiron or air dry and flatiron. Blowdrying leaves my hair feeling so rough, no matter how well it's conditioned, and I can't deal with that :nono:.

I DC with Joico Moisture Recovery Balm since silicone is the second or third ingredient. I use Lacio Lacio as a leave-in conditioner, and either rollerset with a very watered-down Lottabody or airdry. I use Sabino moisture block mixed with broccoli seed oil on the ends of my hair, and then use my FHI Runway at 425 degrees to flatiron. Lower temps just made me do more passes, with 425 I do two. I get bored after a week so it doesn't last long, but I could probably go 2-3 weeks before I absolutely had to wash.
Thanks ladies for your help...yea, I think I need more Conditioning...going to give it a try because I can rollerset and it looks soooo nice and moisturized, but once I flat iron it just get so drrrry!

sometimes I try puting olive oil moisturizing lotion and twisting it into a bun for a few minutes and sometimes that helps. but if not it just soo stiff and hard. I guess the flat iron sucks all the moisture right out of my hair...but thanks soo much for your help ladies...I was about to give up straightening..:perplexed
For me I have to wash, DC, blow dry and flat iron. That's the only way that I've been able to keep my hair straight and flowy
Blow Dry then flat iron with a really good flat iron and as little product as possible to get that swing. I'm a 4a, and I can get salon results but they only last a a few days before I sweat it all out. I use Fredric Fekkai shampoo/conditioner and the glossing cream, then flat iron on hot with my H2Pro..