Naturals...One thing you miss about your past relaxed hair?


New Member
I know I miss having perrrrrfectly smooth and slick edges when I wore my hair pulled back in buns or pony's. And I miss not having to detangle my hair. I miss not reverting...OK, maybe more than one thing :spinning:

I haven't had a relaxer in ten years and there are things I miss from time to time but, I wouldn't trade my natural for anything in the world!
I can't honestly think of one thing I miss.

I wish I could say I miss not reverting but my relaxed hair always reverted. There really wasn't much point in me having one.
*thinks* *thinks* *thinks*

Truly, nothing....or the good memories of my relaxed hair have been overwritten by all of the bad ones.....
Well, I'm glad to see women are confident and totally satified with their natural hair. But is there not ONE thing you can honestly say you miss? Just curious :yep:
I can't honestly think of one thing I miss.

I wish I could say I miss not reverting but my relaxed hair always reverted. There really wasn't much point in me having one.

Mine too!
but I do miss having length .. most of the time i don't mind the shinkage and through the years my hair growth has given me some length ... but i would like to be able to see it WO having to blow it out .
One thing? That I miss? I can honestly say, that no, there is nothing I miss about having relaxed hair.
Do I miss it being straight? No.
Do I miss being able to run a brush through it at a moments notice? No, not really.
Do I miss it being short, broken off, and unhealthy? Definitely not.
Do I miss the daily gold n' hot sessions? Nope.
Do I miss wasting a weekend in the salon to get a touchup? Oh, hecky nawh.

Really, the only BENEFIT that I got from having relaxed hair was that it was more straight than my natural hair. Otherwise, overall, it was a PITA. :lol: It still tangled, it seemed like I ALWAYS had NG, and because it broke off so fast, it was never long enough for me to DO anything to it.

Definitely, no fond memories/things I miss here.
Well, I'm glad to see women are confident and totally satified with their natural hair. But is there not ONE thing you can honestly say you miss? Just curious :yep:

I had such a bad experience w/ relaxers and like Justkiya mentioned the bad out weighed the good. Some ppl look at it as the best of both worlds meaning you can press and have the same "silkly look" as a perm etc.
One thing? That I miss? I can honestly say, that no, there is nothing I miss about having relaxed hair.
Do I miss it being straight? No.
Do I miss being able to run a brush through it at a moments notice? No, not really.
Do I miss it being short, broken off, and unhealthy? Definitely not.
Do I miss the daily gold n' hot sessions? Nope.
Do I miss wasting a weekend in the salon to get a touchup? Oh, hecky nawh.

Really, the only BENEFIT that I got from having relaxed hair was that it was more straight than my natural hair. Otherwise, overall, it was a PITA. :lol: It still tangled, it seemed like I ALWAYS had NG, and because it broke off so fast, it was never long enough for me to DO anything to it.

Definitely, no fond memories/things I miss here.

Now I definitly DONT miss the daily hot and gold sessions. I remember those High School days, glad they're long gone! But I really want to focus on natural gals who of course LOVE and would NEVER TRADE their natural hair, but can admit to at least ONE thing they miss about their long gone relaxed days. :yep:
Hmmmm. You know, I cannot think of a single thing that I miss about having relaxed hair. Not one.

Every thing that I *thought* I enjoyed is extremely outweighed by things that I hated. For example, although years ago I thought I liked having flat, sleek hair, I also hated how thin and lifeless my hair was. No bounce, no body... it was just there. I longed for the fullness and appearance of thick, lovely hair that I now have.

So yeah, I can confidently say that I will never relax again, because there is not one thing that I miss about my past relaxer days...

ETA: Okay, I can think of something that I had with relaxed hair that I wish I could have with natural hair, and that is the ability to relax while at the salon because I knew that the stylist knew how to wash and detangle my hair. But that's not a knock against natural hair; rather, it just reveals how incompetent so many stylists are at handling natural hair. The upside, though? I'm savings LOADS of money!
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I thought i'd come up in here and y'all would give me something to miss...but nope. I miss nothing about my relaxed hair.
Hmmm.... I suppose lack of shrinkage.... My hair shrinks a lot.

But when I BC'd in July 2006, my hair is now the length it was when my hair was at its longest relaxed... it took less than two years.... I just got it straightened at the start of this it's longer... then I started sweating and there ya go....

So I suppose my answer is that I don't miss anything I still can't do now....

So I miss nothing!:grin:
being able to straighten it without it reverting w/in a day, less time to straighten & no fear of heat
I can't think of anything, because my hair reverted when it was relaxed as well.

When I do straighten my hair as a natural, it looks just like its been relaxed, and acts like it too, especially now that its longer.

Although I love it straight....when I do put water on it I realize that I love it more when its curly.
The only thing I think about was how I ever got to reach my relaxed goal. I always wanted long bangs, and it seemed like the crown of my hair never grew. I had the same above my eyebrow bangs (hated them) for 2 years.
I never got my long bangs, but oh well. I am happeir with my hair now.
I can't think of anything, because my hair reverted when it was relaxed as well.

When I do straighten my hair as a natural, it looks just like its been relaxed, and acts like it too, especially now that its longer.

Although I love it straight....when I do put water on it I realize that I love it more when its curly.
ITA with everything you said.
I miss being able to clearly see my length (so I can show off :giggle:, my fam was always facinated with how fast my hair grew)
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Hmmmm. You know, I cannot think of a single thing that I miss about having relaxed hair. Not one.

Every thing that I *thought* I enjoyed is extremely outweighed by things that I hated. For example, although years ago I thought I liked having flat, sleek hair, I also hated how thin and lifeless my hair was. No bounce, no body... it was just there. I longed for the fullness and appearance of thick, lovely hair that I now have.

So yeah, I can confidently say that I will never relax again, because there is not one thing that I miss about my past relaxer days...

ETA: Okay, I can think of something that I had with relaxed hair that I wish I could have with natural hair, and that is the ability to relax while at the salon because I knew that the stylist knew how to wash and detangle my hair. But that's not a knock against natural hair; rather, it just reveals how incompetent so many stylists are at handling natural hair. The upside, though? I'm savings LOADS of money!
I can definitely feel you on that. It's not something I miss though because I don't even go to the salon. It would be nice to just go and get a roller set every now and then but I'm scared because of this reason. I'm thinking once the stylist see's my hair wet they're gonna get scared and put me out:lachen:.
The only I miss is the length. But that will eventually change. Other than that nothing. There isn't anything that I could do to my relax hair that I can't to do it now. Ny sleek styles are more interesting now because of the waves :grin:
The only thing I miss is quicker styling options (for outtings nice events, not daily styling). I really have to plan out my styling now. Where as before if someone invited me somewhere nice on the fly than I could just curl my hair and go. Now if I have a last minute engagement and my hair isn't done I have to opt for quickweave or nice head wrap.
i don't miss anything about it any more.

ditto. i had all the same shrinkage and reversion problems i have as a natural, just to a lesser degree.

i like to straighten every now and then, but really i prefer my natural hair so much more that relaxing has lost all appeal to me. :yep: