Naturals...One thing you miss about your past relaxed hair?

I've been natural for over 10yrs, but wore a BC for 8 of the 10. So although I don't miss anything about having a perm, I do miss the effortless style of my BC.
I can definitely feel you on that. It's not something I miss though because I don't even go to the salon. It would be nice to just go and get a roller set every now and then but I'm scared because of this reason. I'm thinking once the stylist see's my hair wet they're gonna get scared and put me out:lachen:.

I;m laughing picturing them getting up from the shampoo bowl and just pointing you to the door, Pokahontas :lachen::lachen:
I miss that detangling was a no-brainer and that I didn't have to plan out getting my hair straight (what products am I going to use, what technique will i try, will i go to a salon or try it on my own). Now, I'll think about straightening with heat and then think "Nah, that's too much work." That was never a thing before- but I do love my natural hair and I get bored when I wear it straight a lot anyway. And detangling isn't really that bad- so, all things considered I'm happy.:grin:
Plus, my relaxed hair was so dry and it was starting to get thinner, whereas now it's full and thick.
What do I miss??????

1. All of the LIES told to me by a stylist:lachen:
2. Chemical Burns.....:nono:
3. Broken and chewed hair....:perplexed
4. Tri Colored hair with see through ends.....:sad:
5. Paying lots of money to get my hair done.....:rolleyes:
6. Losing my hair line......:yawn:

YEP... I think that covers it!:drunk:
I;m laughing picturing them getting up from the shampoo bowl and just pointing you to the door, Pokahontas :lachen::lachen:
:lachen:I know! That's what I picture everytime I consider even going then I back out.

The first and only time I went to get it done the lady saw me sitting there and said, "Is that all your hair!!", I was like uh oh:look:

She ended up doing a good job though.
What do I miss??????

1. All of the LIES told to me by a stylist:lachen:
2. Chemical Burns.....:nono:
3. Broken and chewed hair....:perplexed
4. Tri Colored hair with see through ends.....:sad:
5. Paying lots of money to get my hair done.....:rolleyes:
6. Losing my hair line......:yawn:

YEP... I think that covers it!:drunk:

Same here lol, you discribed my relaxer days to a T.
My hair is super duper thick, so when I was relaxed it was very full and thick, even when relaxed bone straight. It never reverted. Now that I'm natural, I dare not take all my hair down at once, because I'll look like Sideshow Bob with his finger in a light socket, and the tangling will be monstrous.

Back then I could just wrap at night, taking less than a minute, and comb it out in the morning, again, less than a minute. Hair looks presentable, move on to the rest of the day. Not now. :nono: I must keep it cornrowed up and wear it under wigs, or right now I have a sew-in. I don't know how to really do any styles, and I don't have 5011 hours to do my hair.

DH loved my hair when it was relaxed. He would comb it for me, and he was so gentle with it. Now... he never even mentions it, unless it's to grump that I take too long to redo my cornrows.

My sew in is the same length as my hair is right now (a little past APL) and I keep looking at it, thinking how if I relaxed it would look just like this sew-in does... only it would be real. I wouldn't have to worry if my tracks are showing, I wouldn't have to worry about if people can tell I have a wig on.

I guess I *could* flat iron, but I really don't have the time... as I said my hair is insanely thick and I have 2 small kids.

I'm struggling with the desire to relax again.
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Well, I'm glad to see women are confident and totally satified with their natural hair. But is there not ONE thing you can honestly say you miss? Just curious :yep:

Honestly? I miss knowing that everyone thought my hair looked good. Now, I think my hair looks good, but it sucks knowing that people are thinking negative things about it.

Oh, I miss the length I had when I was relaxed, but that's not specific to it being relaxed. Plus, if all goes according to plan, I should be back there at the end of next year!:grin:
I miss being able to clearly see my length (so I can show off :giggle:, my fam was always facinated with how fast my hair grew)
This is what I miss the most to. I also miss the wind blowing my hair. My hair always grew really fast when it was relaxed too. Running my fingers through it and not having it snag.

But I will never go back to relaxed hair. I love my natural coils to much.
I love the idea of this thread.

I think I'll miss those crunch 'n munch styles I used to get. The flips, waterfalls, and how I ALWAYS wanted fingerwaves but my sister wouldn't let me get them. I'll also miss never knowing what my stylist managed to do to get my hair looking good, cuz I sure couldn't reproduce that at the house.
Two things...
1. It was easy to detangle
2. didn't take so long and so much work to get a straight hairsyle
Sometimes I miss being able to see my hair color. Relaxed, the light brown was really prominent and I always got compliments. As a natural, I guess the curl and shrinkage combine to make it look a lot darker.
That's such a minor thing, and the only thing I miss!

Honestly? I miss knowing that everyone thought my hair looked good. Now, I think my hair looks good, but it sucks knowing that people are thinking negative things about it.

So true...
Thanks for posing a good really made me think and I seriously can't think of one thing that I miss.... ;)
Being able to comb my hair with ease. Even when my hair is wet and soaked with conditioner, combing my hair is like trying to steal God's supper.
Well, it's been about 7 billion years since I've had a relaxer and I don't remember much about it except that it burns and stinks and you can't scratch your head and have to bang on your head when it itches. But I really don't remember my hair being this tangly and knotty, so I guess I miss that.
Khudos to the topic starter.
Here goes!
I miss the ease of washing my hair and the way it flowed in the wind. I miss the overall short time it took to whip my hair in a quick style. I just miss the comfort level I had going out in public with my hair a mess :laughing:

But as my sistas have stated the breakage, the burns, the irritation, and the limp, thin hair is not missed.

Natural hair can be a pain in the butt, but I love the thickness, it makes me feel sexy and powerful. I mean it really makes me turn my nose up sometimes :devilish smile: I love how strong it is with the split ends (lord knows I dislike split ends). I also love the looks and stares I get when I undo my short ponytail (about the length of a hand) and this massive bush and obvious length explodes on the seen. Did I mention men find this such a turn on. As long as its trimmed correctly, soft and managed. Sorry I forgot the topic..hahahaha
Khudos to the topic starter.
Here goes!
I miss the ease of washing my hair and the way it flowed in the wind. I miss the overall short time it took to whip my hair in a quick style. I just miss the comfort level I had going out in public with my hair a mess :laughing:

But as my sistas have stated the breakage, the burns, the irritation, and the limp, thin hair is not missed.

Natural hair can be a pain in the butt, but I love the thickness, it makes me feel sexy and powerful. I mean it really makes me turn my nose up sometimes :devilish smile: I love how strong it is with the split ends (lord knows I dislike split ends). I also love the looks and stares I get when I undo my short ponytail (about the length of a hand) and this massive bush and obvious length explodes on the seen. Did I mention men find this such a turn on. As long as its trimmed correctly, soft and managed. Sorry I forgot the topic..hahahaha

See, now I'm going to have to stalk your Fotki.:grin:

ETA: Doh! It's locked. Hook a sista's pm up with the password, pretty please! :grin:
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I miss how easy it was to get it straight. but i LOVE how thick it is now when it's straight.

i miss straightening and not having frizz.

I miss combing my hair while it's dry.

I miss being able to quickly tie my hair up. I cant do ANYTHING to my hair now without first cowashing.

i miss my edges laying flat with little to no effort
One thing I miss--my length, since I just chopped.

But that's about the only thing. Today, I loved running through the pouring rain to my car from Wal-Mart (buying aloe-vera juice and glycerin for my spray bottle :grin:) while there were about 5 other ladies, unhealthy, fried hair and all waiting for the rain to stop so as not to ruin their "new 'do". I'll never worry about rainy weather again! yay!

ETA: okay I'll miss how easy it was to moisturize my hair...but only 2, I promise :)
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I kept my hair short when I had a relaxer, and my stylist would keep me looking good. Every week I had a new 'do. I am style challenged, and now I am pretty much a twist out girl.

What I don't miss:
long waits in the hair salon
giving up the $$$$ to get my hair done weekly