Need another "LIFE CHANGING" book 2 read


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Know of a good book to read?

Hello.... I'm interested in some GOOD SPIRITUAL BOOKS...Can you recommend one or some??? I'm almost finished w/ 'The Purpose Driven Life' and I must say...This book is very life changing...WOW! :eek:

I was told to try 'He Motions' by T.D Jakes... Have you ever read this one? If so how was it?
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My girlfriend is currently reading this book and she loves it. It's full of spirtual wisdom. I have the book but I am currently reading two books at the same time but this book is one on my list :)
can u please tell me more about the kind of book you want...are you single, married, need help in prayer life, need healing from past relationships, etc. because i can recommend a book if i knew what direction you are headed
peace and blessings
fivefoursweetie said:
can u please tell me more about the kind of book you want...are you single, married, need help in prayer life, need healing from past relationships, etc. because i can recommend a book if i knew what direction you are headed
peace and blessings

fivefoursweetie...I am interested in books that helps me in my spiritual walk w/ Christ.

I have a problem w/ dwelling on past hurt.

Basically all of the above, except I'm engaged. Thanks in advance ;)
I'm currently reading the Purpose Driven Life book and even after the forty days are over I know I will go back to it time after time because it was such a powerful book for me. One of my friends recommended it to me and since I started reading each passage daily, I have joined a church and started praying and reading passages in the bible all in hopes to become closer to the Lord and serve for his purpose. I feel like I am slowly but surely making changes.
natstar said:
I'm currently reading the Purpose Driven Life book and even after the forty days are over I know I will go back to it time after time because it was such a powerful book for me. One of my friends recommended it to me and since I started reading each passage daily, I have joined a church and started praying and reading passages in the bible all in hopes to become closer to the Lord and serve for his purpose. I feel like I am slowly but surely making changes.

Same here... I recommend this book any day..
Does anyone have a good book to read for a single woman? I have no kids, but I do enjoy reading books that can help me in my spiritual walk. I have plenty of Michelle Hammond (whom I love!), but I'd like to read someone else...

I was actually going to recommend Michelle Mckinney-Hammond. The only other book I read that I liked was "He's Just Not That Into You". It is not written with a Christian perspective, however I liked it because it put women into perspective and helped me set standards for what I will and won't accept from a man.
foxybrownsugar said:
i love almost all joyce meyer's books esp. the battle belongs to the Lord and battlefield of the mind.

I second to that! Joyce Meyers: The Battlefield of the Mind! It will change the way you think when it comes to the tricks of the enemy :)
choqlat said:
Does anyone have a good book to read for a single woman? I have no kids, but I do enjoy reading books that can help me in my spiritual walk. I have plenty of Michelle Hammond (whom I love!), but I'd like to read someone else...


I sent you a pm. There is a book by Ty Adams called "Single, Saved, and Having Sex" that may be what you are looking for :)
Purpose Driven Life is one of my favorite books. You might also try Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen. I'm currently reading that one.
caligirl2385 said:
Purpose Driven Life is one of my favorite books. You might also try Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen. I'm currently reading that one.

Wow.... I bought it last night and I started reading it 2 day...
What about books about letting go of the past so that you don't get stuck in the I wish, or shoulda/woulda/coulda mode.
I am waiting to hear and have yet to hear the one "LIFE CHANGING" book that I beleive should be read. My sister, the only book you need is the bible, the word of God. Noone's words have more power or life; nor can they give you lasting joy and peace. They are all temporary solutions for the one that can solve all ailments. This is the one book that is full of the Father's truth and wisdom. What we need to supplement this is a surrendered life to the Father. A truly repentant heart that sees that without Him, we are poor, naked, and blind. He longs to fill the broken heart. He longs to heal the sin sick soul. But we must first give all to Him. Stop looking for man to give what only He can. He bids us come to Him. Other books are fine for supplemental study, but even in this you must be careful to discern whether they are of God or not. We are living in serious times where there is much deception that has taken place in Christendom. The enemy is no longer attacking from without, but within. He seeks to blend in and appear as an angel of light. Be not deceived.
The Father has given to all who beleive (have faith) Christ Jesus, as His gift of eternal life, and Christ Jesus has given us His Holy Spirit to teach us, comfort us, and to guide us into all truth. If we put our trust too much in man, we are committing the sin of idolatry not abiding in the True Vine, Jesus Christ and we are opening ourselves up to be deceived. The Father will have no other gods before Him. He must be first and only. He will not share His glory with another. He bids us to come to Him (not T.D.Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Rick Warren, or the Pope) all who labor and are heavy, and He will give us rest. When we learn of Him and give all to Him and allow Him to be our Great Shepherd that He is then we will find rest for our weary soul. When we learn to start relying more on the Holy Spirit to teach us through the scriptures, we will know and understand our Lord because we are walking closely with Him.
There are true ministers who the Lord has sent to shepherd and care for His sheep, but His sheep are to know Him first and foremost, and then they will know not to follow the hired hand who cares not for the sheep. Please read the following for your discernment:
God's children will listen to the ones truly annointed of the Shepherd to serve them in their gifts, but only because they are comparing all things against the true word of God; something we must all do as God's people in these last days. Christ is on the outside of many hearts who have trusted Him with their salvation, but have stopped trusting Him with the rest of their lives. They go back to putting their trust in self or in man. The Lord is saying to us today to know Him and abide in Him for He is the TRUE VINE and apart from HIM we can do nothing. Come in the ark of safety which is Christ Jesus alone, and make Him your fortress and strong tower. Take all to Him, and read from the scriptures which are HIS inspired words. There is no other book written that is the Father's own divine words.
The enemy wants to keep us from that word, but it is our sword in which the Holy Spirit uses to sanctify us, comfort us, give us discernment, teach us, and fill us with His precious life giving water and bread. We must trust Him now to give us what we need. The time is now to trust Him like never before. Know Him intimately as a Father who truly wants to know His children; for He does. Behold the manner of love which the Father has given unto us, that we may now be called the sons of God. That love was so great that it sent his only begotten Son without sin to the cross. Don't we want to know our Heavenly Father who gave us life? Christ is our only mediator we don't need another to get into the Father's presence. Christ is our High Priest and has made it possible for those who beleive on Him to come into a close and victorious relationship with Him.
Once we totally surrender our lives to Him instead of man and ourselves, we will come to know all that He is....Excellence, holiness, grace, love, strength, power, just, faithful, and much more. He is Sovereign in all of these wonderful ways. There is none like Him! Hallellujah!! Know Him, and know the Truth and the Life; and noone can take it from you. He is our Hope! He alone is the answer.

God's love to all of you