NEW: Winter Bun Challenge (Dec 2009- Mar 2010)

I would like to join. I will do rollersets, wear them for 1-2 days then bun.
I will do pinups only...I relaly need to hide my left side edges.
I was planning to officially start on Monday,21st, but really started this week. I've had my hair out once this week so far. I wet bunned (I washed and dc'd) this morning just because I ran out of time and I wasn't freezing like I thought I would be. I'm keeping a good eye on my edges too. I do plan to "wet" bun the entire challenge using mostly Taliah Wajiid's (sp?) Protective Mist Bodifier. I will most likely alternate with two other sprays but we shall see.
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Hey guys-

This is my very first challenge and the first time that I ever really used protective styling. Before I found LHCF, I was stuck at shoulder length and am now about APL. Hopefully this challenge will help me retain, retain, retain. So far, it is fun and doesn't seem like a challenge at all. : )

i just wanted to show some of my progress i've gotten with bunning as i was super excited when i did a length check today :D

so, the end of oct a had a bad "trim" that took me from below wl to bsl. this pic was taken a few days after that on 11/6/09

this pic was taken today 12/18/09

i'm so happy with the difference. i cant wait til i hit my goal... again lol
sorry the pix are so big yall, i thought by making them bigger it would be easier to compare the 2

so basically BUNS FTW!!!:dance7:
I'm in. I think I'm planning on bunning until the end of my HYH reveal. So we'll see waht consistent bunning can do.
Wet bun routine:

Co-wash hair w/ fave conditioner (saturate wet hair root to end) & pin onto of head while I do the rest of my shower routine. At the end of my shower, I rinse with cool water. I squeeze the excess water out of my hair & wrap my hair in my twistie turbie towel thingy while I dry off & lotion up. Then I remove my hair from the towel, apply some more of my favorite conditioner, Coconut oil & some wax (edges only with the wax) to lay down my edges. I detangle in sections with my wide-tooth comb & then further detangle & smooth with my Denman brush. Then I smooth the hair into the ponytail and secure with an ouchless Goody ponytail holder. I twist the hair around itself and wrap it clockwise around the ponytail base tight and then secure with 2 more ouchless bands. Then put 2 Paul Mitchell gloss drops in my palms, rub together and smooth over my hair for shine. I tie it all down for a while with a silk or satin scarf until I head to work. For the looser buns, those are either 2nd day, damp buns or dry buns, but pretty similar procedure. The bun with the black pin is wet and I just did everything like I was about to put it in a pony but I didn't pull the last one all the way through and let little pieces hang out. Then I used this hairpin toward the bottom so the bun sticks out of the top. It's hard to see b/c my hair is so jet black and the hairpin is too:


thanks!! good information!!
i just wanted to show some of my progress i've gotten with bunning as i was super excited when i did a length check today :D

so, the end of oct a had a bad "trim" that took me from below wl to bsl. this pic was taken a few days after that on 11/6/09

this pic was taken today 12/18/09

i'm so happy with the difference. i cant wait til i hit my goal... again lol
sorry the pix are so big yall, i thought by making them bigger it would be easier to compare the 2

so basically BUNS FTW!!!:dance7:

Your hair is gorgeous!!! Love it!
Ladies, I think I will have to drop out. I think I will bun 1-2 weeks a month and alternate my wigs 1 week and something else another week.

Goodluck to you all still!
Does anyone still wet bun if you live in a cold climate? Any tips? Or, bad idea?

:yep: I do almost everyday. Doesn't bother me one bit, but besides walking to and from my car, I'm not outside. I live in Nebraska. *in my Gucci Mane voice* Brrrrrrrrr! :lachen: My only tip would be that I keep my silk scarf on my head once I get my bun set and tie it down until I get to work. Also helps with my coat not messing up my nape and bun.

thanks!! good information!!

You're welcome. :grin:

I'm getting my hair cut/trimmed tomorrow so hopefully my hair will still be long enough to bun.

Can't wait for my dusting on 12/28. :yep:
I know the challenge has officially started but I'd like to join if it's not too late. Buns have helped me get to my current length so I'm all for it. :yep:
Does anyone still wet bun if you live in a cold climate? Any tips? Or, bad idea?

This time of year I "wet" bun by saturating my hair with a spray moisturizer. Right now I'm using TW mist. I did go out on Friday with wet hair and it wasn't that bad.
My hair is still long enough to bun but it looks puny now and fillers dry out my hair. So I'm headwrapping my hair for the winter so that's like another PS on a PS. The salon didn't get all the damage out of my hair because I still see splits and knots and I don't feel up to paying for another go around especially since they looked scared when I brushed my hair out. I guess I'm just going to be tedious.
Does anyone still wet bun if you live in a cold climate? Any tips? Or, bad idea?

I've been wet bunning (a.k.a. baggying) under my phony pony. I live in Canada and I can't go outside in the winter with wet hair, I'll catch a head cold or something... :nono:
I wish I could join, I don't have enough length and my hair is thin so I can't bun just yet. It would require pulling my hair back really tight and I don't want to do damage to it.

I started bunning at neck length. Buy/make some clip in tracks. Brush you hair back over them and viola!--enough hair to make a nice bun. And you're hair is not stressed. HTH
I would like to join this challenge. Bunning is new for me. I usually wear my hair out, but the winter is taking its toll this year and I have suffered a bit of a setback with my nape/hair line, so I need this challenge. Thanks for starting it.