Newbie 4b in need of texturing advice



Hi ladies!

I'm currently wearing a weave and have done for the past 3 years or so. I will continue to wear weaves until I've got a decent length of hair. I used to have long relaxed hair (past my shoulders but decided to go natural as it was thinning out and I was fed up of relaxing every 6-8 weeks.

I currently have about 4 inches of natural hair in shrinkage (if I relaxed it - it would be just past my chin if not longer - I think!) Anway I'm not sure whether I should texturise my hair? I've been advised by my hairdresser as she said it would make my hair grow faster and there would be less pulling and tugging and breakage. Now as I'm going to continue with weaves would it be a good idea to texturise? I am very tempted as my hair would be softer and easier to plait and my plaits could lie a lot flatter. As I'm going to start doing my own weaves I would make sure I deep condition my own hair (take the weave out) every 6 weeks.

What do you reckon? Any advice really appreciated.
can i just say that a chemical in your hair doesn't make your hair grow. your hair grows regardless. I see that your in london and i know how those hairdressers can be.
obviously she/he will tell you to texturize for whatever reasons coz she wants your business. your gonna have to go there to get touch up and treatments etc
if you want to look after you natural hair properly then you would know how to comb it so it doesn't tug. you hair can be soft without adding chemicals to it. who told you any different.
i'm a lil confused by your post, are you transitioning from a relaxer?
Hi VioletSim! I don't think that texturizing your hair will make your hair grow any faster. I think the growth that you get depends on how you maintain your hair and your overall health. If you want your hair to be natural and long, you just have to learn patience and good techniques on detangling. At any rate, there are so many women on this board with long texturized hair and long natural hair that will give you all the information that you need. Happy growing.
I see that you've been wearing weaves for the past 3 years and i'm curious have you ever had a period of wearing your own natural hair out without extentions-- other than the time between taking them down and putting them back in? I"m asking because the extensions are gonna add a certain amount of stress to the hair.

Also if your hair hasnt been out long enough for you to figure out what it likes and dislikes you may be missing out on alot of one on one time with your hair and seeing all the things that you can do with it. Your hair is definitely growing, but the extentions may be causing a certain amount of shedding (stress on the hair) and breakage that's causing you not to see the growth you are gaining. -- jainygirl
I agree putting a texturizer in your hair will not make it grow any faster. Maybe you should check out the naturals threads that are on the board. I see you are new. Welcome
Thanks for all your replies. You've all given useful and thoughtful info.

ChocolateCutee I've grown out my relaxer apart from the front which is used to blend in with the weave but I should have just kept my natural hair and I regret relaxing it.
My problem is that when I did have my hair out natural is was sooo difficult maintaining it - after I'd washed my hair drying it was a big job. If I blow dryed it my hair would get very dry even if I put stuff in it. When I air dryed it - it never thoroughly dried and it my hair would be very very tightly curled on the ends so instead of having a nice soft afro it was a picky one. I have tried trimming the ends also but no joy.

The main reason I'm thinking about texturising is that it could make my hair more manageable and softer. I only want to losen the texture a little bit.
I am a 4b and I suppose technically I texturize my hair under my weave. I only do it about every 3 months and then its not done bone straight. Just enough for me to be able to comb and deal with it. I have tried my in its natural state and honestly its too much for me to deal with.

The chemicals won't make it grow but it may be more manageable.
Thanks Carrie - I just have to decide whether I want to put chemicals in my hair! I think as I'll be wearing wevaes for some time and I won't be able to treat my own hair as often as I'd like to I'll stick it out and leave it natural and just make sure I condition it as often as possible. I used to have relaxed hair past my shoulders but grew it all out. It's been about 2 and a half years now in weaves. Actually having said thaat my hair must have grown quite abit. What am I thinking I don't need a texturiser to grow my hair out ! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I think it's because I don't really get a chance to see my own hair for long enough so I always think it's short - in comparison to weaves!
Hi Violet. I am mostly 4b and have been texturized for about a year and a half. My hair doesn't grow any faster but it is easier to see the length because of less shrinkage. It's also much easier to comb. However my hair is much weaker since's sheds more easily and also breakage is a problem. Consider all of these things. Good luck.
Thanks Dahomey. I've just seen your pics - your hair is lovely!!!
I've decided not to texturise as it's still a chemical that your putting on your hair. Have you tried Nexxus Emergencee? - when I had relaxed hair it did help and the breakage wasn't as bad as it used to be.