

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know any good oils that stimulate hair growth. I heard so far Rosemary Oil. Any others?
peppermin, teatree and cinnamon oils stimulate the scalp and hair folicles. Not sure about it aiding in hairgrowth
**taken from Motown Girl's website:

Basil promotes hair growth
Cedarwood stimulates the scalp and hair follicles
Lemon to cleanse the scalp
Peppermint promotes hair growth
Rosemary promotes hair growth
Yland ylang stimulates hair growth

Emu oil is said to be a really good oil to use because it penetrates the skin deeply.
Shaniquah said:
**taken from Motown Girl's website:

Basil promotes hair growth
Cedarwood stimulates the scalp and hair follicles
Lemon to cleanse the scalp
Peppermint promotes hair growth
Rosemary promotes hair growth
Yland ylang stimulates hair growth

Emu oil is said to be a really good oil to use because it penetrates the skin deeply.

the peppermint...this works wonders!
Yes girl, I love peppermint....but use too much and your head feels like ICE!!!! (made this mistake 2 too many times, whew!) :eek:
I just made a mix of emu oil, peppermint, rosemary and bay oil - I'm hoping I'll have some more growth by April with this mix...Trimbride, how long have you used Emu oil??
Shaniquah said:
**taken from Motown Girl's website:

Basil promotes hair growth
Cedarwood stimulates the scalp and hair follicles
Lemon to cleanse the scalp
Peppermint promotes hair growth
Rosemary promotes hair growth
Yland ylang stimulates hair growth

Emu oil is said to be a really good oil to use because it penetrates the skin deeply.

I second! Ditto!
I am one that never oils my scalp. But let me tell yall this. I put the Alma oil on my hair as a prepoo and it felt so good that I started massaging my head on the sides where I am thin with it. I have grown in those small areas 1 inch of new growth on both sides of my head, where as in the other areas of my head I only have 1/2 inch. :eek: . So guess what I am doing? Yep! Oiling my entire scalp with Amla oil. I want to see if this is what caused this surge in growth. I am 5 weeks post.