OK, so i'm transitioning... Now what??


Ok, so I have decided that my days of straight relaxed hair are over. I'm ready to embrace my natural hair and I have started transitioning, but now what do I do? It's been about 4 months since I've started transitioning but I really haven't changed my hair routine up all that much. I still am washing my hair every 2 weeks and roller wrapping it and wearing it up in a protective style 99% of the time. Is there something else I should be doing? What should I expect and what should I be looking for? I plan on never doing a BC and instead just doing a looooonnngg transition. Any advice and help would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks!

Congratulations on your decision. I don't know what to say except that you can do it, it will require patience and dilegence, and it is worth it! All of the great information on here about moisture, careful handling, and conditioning apply to transitioning. I transitioned for 22 months and I usually did daily conditioning washes and wore a bun. You should try to stay away from heatand try twist/braid outs. Also, a great website for transitioners is www.nappturality.com.
Best of luck.
Congrats on your decision!

I've been transitioning for looong close to 20 months now, I dont plan to BC either. Here are some of the basics that I've learned throughout the years that has helped me so far in my transition.

*Keep your new growth moisturized, the area where your new growth and relaxed hair meet (the line of demarcation) is most vulnerable to breakage, keeping that area moisturized is crucial. Don’t forget to moisturize your ends as well.

*Make sure to add a decent amount of protein in your hair regimen, the protein will help strengthen your hair. You can use protein based conditioners, protein reconstructor(s) or natural sources of protein like eggs. Use whatever you feel is necessary for your hair.

Hair Styles:
*Low Manipulation/Protective Styles are best when transitioning IMO.
Styles such as: Braidouts, Twistouts, Rod Sets, Roller Sets, Buns, French Rolls, Bantu Knots, Flat Twists, Braid Extensions etc…are great transitioning styles. They’re easy to do, and they’re easy on your hair. Plus your natural texture will blend in better with your relaxed hair when wearing these styles.

*How often you trim/cut your relaxed ends is a personal choice. As long as you trim/cut your ends it will help along with the transition process. Not trimming/cutting at all will just make the process difficult, and most likely your hair will suffer consequently.

Heat Usage:
*If your going to use heat, keep it at a minimum. Using too much heat isn’t good for your hair. It can permanently straighten your natural texture, it only takes one time for damage to occur, please keep that in mind. Whenever you use heat make sure to use a good heat protectant.

*A great method for washing/detangling your hair is to wash your hair in braided sections. It will help minimize/eliminate any tangles or breakage. You can make however many braids you want. I usually make 3-4. You basically braid your hair in sections, then wet your hair and apply your shampoo or conditioner thoroughly massage into each section. Unbraid one section at a time, then detangle each section from ends to roots using a wide toothed comb.

Consistency & Patience
*Once you find the right products that work for your hair stick with them, it will help make the journey to natural a bit easier. Remember the journey to natural is just that, a journey, it takes time and patience.

If you need more info check out motowngirl.com/transitioning.php, also check out the transitioners support thread its located in the sticky compilation thread near the top of the forum.

Good Luck! :)
Aww thanks so much for the support and advice! I really appreciate it. I feel really lost right now as to what to do with my hair, but thanks for all the direction. I will start implementing these techniques TODAY! I'm just afraid to wash my own hair because it becomes too overwhelming for me. I will try to braid technique tonight. Hopefully I can handle that. Once again, thanks!

Congrats on deciding to transition! :grin: SweetAmbrosia gave you some great advice. Mine is: continue to do what you've done until you can't do no mo'! :lachen:

Then when the trouble starts around 6-12 months, come to the Transitioners Support Thread girl! Have fun.
I've been transitioning since July 2005 and still follow my same old hair care routine: roller set and dry under the bonnet in winter and air-dried twist-outs in summer. So I have to say I agree with cupcake - keep doing what you're doing. Good luck with your transition.
ok i'm new and a little slow, but i just joined the transitioners support group. I believe I'm ready to do this transitioning thing now. Thanks :)