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Please just tell me everything about your relaxing process. I plan on using this relaxer for my next touch-up (first lye relaxer ever!!!)

<font color="red"> Questions: </font>

What bases are you using?
Do you add any essential oils or conditioners to the relaxer?
What is your hair type?
Are you using the Affirm positive link, protecto and normalizing shampoo?
Do you like the results?
My mom and I both use affirm to relax our hair.

Andre's system confuses me sometimes. I would say that I am predominantly 4a. I do have some 3 parts in the back. My strands are medium/fine. I just have a lot of them.

To base my scalp I use the Cream of Nature Scalp protector. It comes in a yellow bottle with an applicator tip. It looks like vaseline but is easier to rinse out. I usually base my scalp in a checkerboard pattern. Front to back and ear to ear. I apply the protecto in sections up to the newgrowth, focusing on the ends first.

I don't add anything to the relaxer.

I use the Affirm 5 n 1 reconstructor as step 2. I have added Aphogee EFA oil to the 5 n 1 at this point. I tried the positive link the first time I relaxed with affirm, but I preferred the way the 5 n 1 felt in my hair. My mother uses the positive link and she likes that. So it might be a matter of personal preference. I usually shampoo with the neutralizer 2 or 3 times after rinsing out the 5 n 1, just to make sure it's all out. Each lather lasts at least 5 minutes.

After I neutralize, I reapply the 5 n 1 for at least 30 minutes, wrapped in saran wrap. I find that this allows for better penetration than a plastic cap. I follow this up with a moisturizing conditioner for another 30 minutes. I rinse that out, apply a leave-in like Razac, a serum like Loreal or Biosilk and I then roller set my hair. If I use a setting lotion, I like the Revlon wrap/setting cream.

I am very happy with the results. My hair had a tendency to turn red whenever I used a no-lye relaxer. Especially on the ends. I haven't had that problem since I switched over to lye relaxers. My hair also maintianed more of its texture. If I let it airdry, there is more definition.

I'm actually on week#7 and even though I have new growth, I haven't had a problem with tangling or breakage. I attribute that to Pantene S&amp;S and the fact that the new growth and previously relaxed hair are not so drastically different as far as texture is concerned.

I too use the Affirm System.

I begin by parting the hair in four sections,and basing each section of the scalp with Affirm Gentle Assurance Sensitive Scalp Protector. I then apply the protecto creme to each section. I do my hair by the half and half methood. My Mom and I relax the bottom half of my head first then I rinse it out. We dont add anything to the relaxer because its a conditioning lye relaxer and doesnt need anything added, also I dont believe in mixing chemicals. After I rinse out the bottom half I apply 5 in 1 to that part then my Mom proceeds to relax the top part. I then rinse the whole head and Apply 5 in 1 reconstructor all over for 10 mins as directed. Then I neutralize with Affirm Normalizing Shampoo. I then Apply Affirm 5 in 1 for 20 mins followed by a moisturizing conditioner. Then I style. I choose not to relax my hair "Bone Straight" A little curl still left does not bother me so I do not leave relaxer in for as long as recomended.
I was wondering if there are any 4b's who use the mild version of the affirm lye relaxer. Both times my hair came out underprocessed. I don't know if it's my method or the relaxer