protective styling with cornrows advice


Well-Known Member
:wave: hi ladies,

ok since my due date is near and i cannot be bothered with my hair!
i want to use cornrows as a protective style

i would like advice on how to maintain them.

how often should i get them re done?

how often should i wash them? what is the easiest washing method so they dont fuzz up?

what should i moisturise them with?

any other help will be appreciated

T.I.A :)
Hi Blaque, (girl I thought you had your baby already for some reason)

Anyhoo, when I had cornrows I would get them re-done every 2 weeks, cause anything after that was frizz city no matter what I did, so I guess it depends on how messy your hair gets when you have them.

Because I have an itchy scalp, I would wash mine once a week with diluted shampoo, if you condition wash, then I guess you can use diluted conditioner. A lot of people put a stocking cap over the cornrows while washing to prevent it getting messed up. Or some people don't wash and just clean the scalp with witch hazel or something like that. I couldn't, my head would still itch too much.

I moisturized with aloe vera juice and glycerin, somtimes S Curl. I never used anything thick, always something I could spray on easily. That helped a lot, especially when I had to take them out, and my newgrowth was always soft.

ITA - I spent most of this past summer in cornrows.

I could keep them in for 2 1/2 weeks MAX. Even with sleeping in a scarf my hair would start crawling out of the braids - frizz everywhere!

I cleaned my scalp with a shampoo made for locks - it's like a gel formula, and then once a week I washed with mint shampoo. I would leave it on till it started to tingle and then go row to row and scratch gently to get rid of buildup

I think a spray moisturizer is better for braids b/c you don't get as much of the gunky buildup. I used an aloe vera/glycerine mix or better braids spray and surge.

Oh - you should take a break between sessions - after I took mine out, I wore the braidout for 2-3 days, DC'd and wore a bun for the rest of the week before having them redone.

Good Luck!
I am currently in the hard core C&G challenge 'til December '08. I chose cornrows instead of box braids. I do them myself every two weeks. I co-wash every wednesday and shampoo and condition every saturday. On week #2 when it time to take down and redo the cornbraids, I do a whole head baggy the nite before with ORS Carrot Oil, paying special attention to the ends. THen next day I clarify, protein condition, moisture DC, and let the hair & scalp "breathe" for the entire day. Later that nite, I put the cornrows back in for another two weeks. So far, my hair is loving me for it!!:grin:
I agree with the other ladies. I used to wear cornrows all the time and got them done every week or two. If you are using you own hair, then it's just like any other hairstyle where your hair needs to be washed and the style re-done.
I concur. I do the same as these ladies. Cornrows show up after I take my hair down from single braids, have a break them cornrows... See my pics...